Page 12 - Microsoft Word - CNLV Benefits Booklet Draft Revised 10.31.19 NON RETIREE.docx
P. 12


       “Life insurance can help protect your loved ones’ financial Life insurance can help protect your loved ones’ financial
       “Life insurance can help protect your loved ones’ financial “Life insurance can help protect your loved ones’ financial
       health if you are no longer there to support them.   City of health if you are no longer there to support them.   City of
       health if you are no longer there to support them.   City of ealth if you are no longer there to support them.   City of

       North Las Vegas provides fullorth Las Vegas provides full--time employees with Life time employees with Life
       North Las Vegas provides fullNorth Las Vegas provides full--time employees with Life time employees with Life
       and Acnd Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) cidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)
       and Acand Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) cidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)

            The City of North Las Vegas provides Life and AD&D benefits in the following amounts:
        Eligible employees are able to purchase additional Voluntary Life and AD&D coverage for themselves and their
        eligible covered dependents at group rates. Evidence of insurability may be required. For more information see
        Voluntary Life Insurance.

          Active Non-represented members: $40,000 Employee and  $1,000 Dependent Life

          Active Teamsters, PSA, POA members:  $20,000 Employee and $1,000 Dependent Life

        *L *L*L *Lonongg  TTeerrmm  DDiissaabbiilliityty  is offered as a supplemental plan for employees.
          onongg  TTeerrmm  DDiissaabbiilliityty

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