Page 15 - Microsoft Word - CNLV Benefits Booklet Draft Revised 10.31.19 NON RETIREE.docx
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Beneenefitfocus fitfocus Employee PortalEmployee Portal
BeneBenefitfocus fitfocus Employee PortalEmployee Portal
The City of North Las Vegas he City of North Las Vegas utilizesutilizes aann Employee Employee Benefit Benefit Portal which Portal which will will make it make it
The City of North Las Vegas The City of North Las Vegas utilizesutilizes aann Employee Employee Benefit Benefit Portal which Portal which will will make it make it
conveniconvenient for ent for ALLALL employees to manage their benefits and other employees to manage their benefits and other HRHR-- related related
convenionvenient for ent for ALLALL employees to manage their benefits and other employees to manage their benefits and other HRHR-- related related
i information in realnformation in real--time through one central webtime through one central web--based system that can based system that can be be
information in realinformation in real--time through one central webtime through one central web--based system that can based system that can be be
accessed from anywhere at any accessed from anywhere at any time.time.
accessed from anywhere at any ccessed from anywhere at any time.time.
Employee Portal Login Information
OrOraacclle e EEmmppllooyeyee e
Y Y Y Yo oo ou u u u w ww wi ii il ll ll l l l n nn nee eeee eed dd d y yy yo oo ou uu ur r r r OrOraacclle e EEmmppllooyeyee N Ne N Nu uu um mm mb bb be ee er r r r t tt to o o o a aa acc cccc cce ee ess ssss ss th thth the e e e
E EE Em mm mp pp pl ll lo oo oye yeye yee ee e P PP Portortaall.. TThihis cs caann bbe e ffoound ound onn yyoouurr PaPay y SSlilipp..
ortortaall.. TThihis cs caann bbe e ffoound ound onn yyoouurr PaPay y SSlilipp..
Quick Links: uick Links: Contains useful links to documents and Contains useful links to documents and
Quick Links: Quick Links: Contains useful links to documents and Contains useful links to documents and
M Customer Service Center
MyMy Benefits: Benefits: Find benefit plans and carrier Find benefit plans and carrier
Myy Benefits: Benefits: Find benefit plans and carrier Find benefit plans and carrier
To Do List: o Do List: Manage items that require your Manage items that require your
To Do List: To Do List: Manage items that require your Manage items that require your
attention.ttention. Available Monday to Friday
Document Center: ocument Center: Allows you to securely share Allows you to securely share
Document Center: Document Center: Allows you to securely share Allows you to securely share
documents with Human Resources.documents with Human Resources.
documents with Human Resources.ocuments with Human Resources.
Page 15