Page 57 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
P. 57

3.1 Office

          An office joinery pack including worktop, shelves     The cabinet will contain  patch panels to enable
          and brackets can be sourced from Paradigm.            the equipment to be plugged into the internal
                                                                network  (patch panel to be wired by the site
          The  full  height,  office  ‘Comms  Cupboard’         electrician) and a power bar which needs only
          has  been  replaced  by  a  slightly  wider  version   to be plugged into a standard 13aS/S/O.
          with  modified  internal  wiring,  sockets  etc.  This
          cupboard will not only contain the IT equipment       The patch panels and power bars will be supplied
          but also the CCTV equipment and possibly the          as part of the counter and comms cupboards,
          Phone system unit .                                   to be wired only, by the site electrician.

          Ideally it should be positioned adjacent to the       A  detailed  drawing  for  the  comms  cupboard
          desk, however if it is not possible to sit it against   can be found  here and other  standard
          the desktop, it can be moved elsewhere.               office  items  i.e  desktop,  chair,  shelving,  filing
                                                                cabinets, office safe etc to be agreed between
          NOTE: If the comms cabinet isn’t adjacent to the desk,   Franchisee and Principal Contractor.
          additional data and power points will be required in the
          office  to  run  from  the  cabinet  to  the  desktop  (by  site

          3.1                        Office                                                 3 September 2018
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