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How Could the Jews ‘Borrow’ from the Egyptians? ‐
Jeffrey Collins (10th Grade)
The Jews took the gold, silver and riches from the Egyptians before their exodus from slavery into the wilder-
ness. One might conclude that this makes sense, as it is retribution for hundreds of years of slavery. However,
this is not the case. G-d commanded the Jews to “borrow” the treasures from the Egyptians, a fact that does not
make sense, as that would mean that the Jews returned the riches.
The answer lies in G-d's original promise to Abraham. Abraham was promised that his children would be plenti-
ful, enslaved for 400 years and that they will have success. The taking of the treasures therefore is a fulfillment
of G-d's promise. What can we learn from this? The borrowing from the Egyptians, being disguised as G-d’s
promise, teaches us that G-d is the owner of everything and we must not forget that fact. The Jews were actually
“borrowing” from G-d, as G-d is the owner of everything.
We lift up our cup wine and cover the Matzah, as we recite the following and recall G-d's promise to Abraham,
emphasizing eternal divine watchfulness.
וּרָבּ שׁוֹדָקַּהְו ,וּנ ֵתוֹלַכְל וּניֵלָﬠ םי ִד ְ מוֹ ע רוֹדָו רוֹדּ לָכ ְבּ ֶשׁ אָלּ ֶא ,וּנ ֵתוֹלַּכְל וּניֵלָﬠ ד ַמָﬠ דָבְל ִבּ דָח ֶא אֹלּ ֶשׁ ,וּנָלְו וּני ֵתוֹבֲאַל ה ָד ְמָﬠ ֶשׁ אי ִהְו
. ם ָדָיּ ִמ וּנֵלי ִצּ ַמ אוּה
This covenant that remained constant for our ancestors and for us has saved us against any who arose to de-
stroy us in every generation, and throughout history when any stood against us to annihilate us, the Kadosh
Baruch Hu kept saving us from them.
Lilly Kolodny—2nd grade