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The Name of the Chag ‐ Adam Hoffman (11th Grade)

         Why does the Torah refer to Passover as Chag HaMatzot (The Holiday of Matza) while the Jews refer the it as
         Pesach (Passover)? When I was in elementary school, I remember reading about “Chag HaMazot” in the Torah
         and wondering what holiday it was that was so similar to Pesach. In fact, my teacher told me, Chag HaMatzot is
         how Hashem refers to Pesach. Since that time, I have always wondered why we refer to Pesach by a different
         name than G-d?

         Rabbi Haskel Lookstein provides an answer. In doing so, he cites Shir HaShirim which introduces the Jewish
         people to a concept: “Ani L’Dodi v’L’Dodi Le” (I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me). Whenever G-d
         and His people have an opportunity to look favorably upon the other, they should. This is taken into account
         when we refer to this holiday. Hashem refers to it as Chag HaMatzot which reminds us of the Matzvot that the
         Jews baked for G-d. In this, the Jews did a service for G-d. The Jewish People refer to the holiday as Pesach
         (Passover) which reminds us that G-d came to Egypt and passed over the Jewish homes, a service to the Jews. In
         each of our respective names, we are highlighting the positive aspects of the G-d and He is highlighting the pos-
         itive aspects of us. This teaches us that we should always look to view the our fellows in a positive light. When
         we have the opportunity, we should thank those for what they have done and compliment them. In summary, we
         should be for the other just as they should be for us.

                                                                                         Rina Levi —4th grade
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