Page 8 - Coronavirus Volunteer Handbook.
P. 8


     Safeguarding, which was introduced many years ago, protects
     vulnerable adults, young people and children from abuse, harm and
     neglect in society.

     It is not your role to deal with safeguarding issues but you must report them

     Those most in need of protection      What are your responsibilities:
                                           If you encounter a safeguarding issue
         Children and young people        (harm, neglect or abuse)
         Adults at risk, such as those         You must immediately report it to
          receiving care in their own home,      You co-ordinator.  Even if you are
          people with physical, sensory          unsure, it is best to discuses any
          and mental impairments, and            concerns with your co-ordinator
          those with learning disabilities.      If someone is in immediate
                                                 danger call 999.

                     Never attempt to deal with situations yourself


   The recommendations below aim to stress the importance of safe behavior when in a vehicle
   whilst volunteering

    DO                                     DON’TS

         Be sure that you have a valid         Use your mobile or radio while
          driving license                        driving
         Follow road safety rules and          Drive if you have been drinking
          regulations; respect local traffic      alcohol or if you are tired, sick or
          laws and speed limits                  on strong medication
         Check that your car is in a           Leave your vehicle unlocked
          roadworthy condition and               anywhere or at any time
          properly equipped for using

         Make sure your vehicle has

   You do not need special insurance or to notify the DVLA that you are using your
   car to volunteer during the pandemic click here to see what the ABI have said.

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