Page 172 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 172

Thorn In The Heart

         in empty, and you do not cry of afraid for life that had so many
         traps  and  defrauds.  We  will  be  happy  and  together  forever.
         No...! No...! No...!  A thousand times I will say no...!  I do not
         want you to follow me. I ready left you alone with the sobbing
         and cry in the world of silent at night...! I ready to put your life
         in the sorrow of hope and to wait for me...!  Also, I had broken
         my promise that I had spoken out at the moment of happiness at
         the wedding time. How I can promise you in another world that I
         did not know...!

             My-Trinh, my lovely wife...!

             Few  years  I  went  with  the  war  by  my  empty  idea  and
         nothing more to choose. My eyes opened wide in the darkness to
         find my enemy, at the same time my ears heard the echo of the
         crying  in  the  air,  while  the  bombs  and  cannon  shells  were
         exploding. I saw the pool of blood on the rice field, looked at the
         dead bodies in the village while flame and smoke were rising in
         the air. Everything had destroyed in the war even our souls...!

             I knew that I had broken my promise that I will always be
         beside you to help you, give my love to you and our child, but I
         could not perform it...! I was a soldier, closed with the war and
         death that you were afraid for on your life.

             My-Trinh. What do you do now? Were you praying for my
         safety or fearing for my death? Were you teaching our children
         on the math problem or crying to remember me?

             Love, I carried it in my heart, kissed it by my hot lips and
         held it on my arms, but I had nothing more to choose to leave
         you away. Instead, I hold a gun and shot at Vietnamese that I
         called my enemies or Vietminh to save my life. Love, I sawed it
         in your eyes and felt it was rolling in your soul but I could not
         touch  it,  because  you  were  my  dream...!  Yes,  only  in  my

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