Page 13 - 2020 Circle of Care Employee Handbook
P. 13

Patient Care Staff – Employee Badge must be worn at all times. You must wear agency-approved uniforms (Circle of Care attire) and closed-toe shoes (no flip flops). Long shorts may be worn in the warmer months; otherwise khaki pants, scrub pants, or nice jeans are acceptable. Patient Care Staff must wear clean clothing at all times. Please see to it that body odor is minimized. Hair must be clean and well groomed. Jewelry needs to be inconspicuous and makeup and perfume should be used conservatively. Refer to smoking policy for specific restrictions while working.
Office Staff/Other Personnel – Must wear clothing appropriate to a business setting (tank tops (and camisoles) or spaghetti strap tops/dresses must be worn with a top shirt, sweater, or jacket. Monday through Thursday business casual attire applies. Fridays, casual attire is acceptable. With the exception of Case Conference Fridays, during which business casual attire is required. Staff are expected to maintain a clean and neat appearance with regard to clothing, jewelry, hair and shoes. Refer to smoking policy for specific restrictions while working.
Employees are required to record or keep a log that correctly and truthfully records the time spent on the job or visit. The employee is the only one allowed to record his/her hours.
Hourly office personnel will record their time in the Proliant System.
Therapists will record their time in our EMR system by noting a time in and a time out for each visit performed and electronically signing off on the document.
Documentation received after the deadline may delay your compensation for that pay period. See Clinical Documentation Timeline section of Employee Handbook for specific documentation deadlines.
Falsification of any documentation of visits performed or actual time worked will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate termination.
Upon an employee’s separation of employment with Circle of Care, it is expected that:
• The former employee surrenders all property belonging to Circle of Care that was given to the employee
during their tenure with the company. This includes employee badge, therapist kits, notes, electronic
equipment and all related items.
• The employee refrains from removing/deleting any and all intellectual property belonging to Circle of
 At Circle of Care we understand that social media can be a fun and rewarding way to share your life
 and opinions with family, friends and co-workers. To assist you in making responsible decisions about
 your use of social media, we have established these guidelines:
 Refrain from using social media while on work time or on equipment we provide, unless it is
 work-related as authorized by your manager or supervisor. Do not use Circle of Care email
 addresses to register on social networks, blogs, or other online tools utilized for personal use.

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