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Rotary Magazine for District 1210

       Rotary in Church Stretton planted 100m of wild flower
       seeds on verges to encourage people from all walks of
       life  to  connect  with  each  other  in  celebration  of  their
       local green spaces by planting wildflowers.

       The challenge was backed by organisations across civil
       society  and  business  including  Rotary,  Scouts  and  the
       Royal  Voluntary  Service,  and  was  planned  to  be  the
       biggest seed planting in UK and Irish history.
       Members  of  Church  Stretton  Rotary  were  joined  by
       Restoring  Shropshire’s  Verge’s  Project  and  Church
       Stretton Scouts as they sowed seeds on Saturday 23rd
       October  on  the  verges  along  the  Shrewsbury  Road
       between Church Stretton and All Stretton
       Rotary  shares  a  key  commitment  in  protecting  the
       environment  and  it  became  one  of  the  worldwide
       organisation’s  seven  Areas  of  Focus  earlier  this  year.
       Rotary is committed to supporting activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural
       resources,  advance  ecological  sustainability,  and  foster  harmony  between  communities  and  the

       Rotary supported the #BillionSeedChallenge, in planting wildflowers to brighten up parks, verges and
       playgrounds  with  incredible  splashes  of  colour.  Plantings  took  place  throughout  October,  and
       culminated on 30th October, the day before COP26, the international climate conference in Glasgow.

       Julian  Hargreaves,  the  Club’s  Community  Team  Leader  commented,  “This  was  a  brilliant
       environmental project for us to get involved in being totally in line with Rotary's current philosophy.
       Working together with the community and the Scouts was a pleasure. We are particularly grateful to
       Terry Davies, Group Scout Leader, for arranging for the Scouts to do this; they were very enthusiastic
       raking and sowing and did a brilliant job”.

                                                 Blythe Bridge Rotary held their President’s night on 2nd August
                                                 at  the  Upper  House,  Barlaston.    Peter  Nixon  was  President  of
                                                 the  club  during  the  very  difficult  year  2020-21.  On  his
                                                 President’s  night  Peter  presented  Martin  Kettrick  with  a  very
                                                 well deserved Paul Harris Sapphire pin.
                                                 Martin  has  been  in  Blythe  Bridge  Rotary  for  nearly  30  years.
                                                 During  this  time  he  has  raised  thousands  of  pounds  for  many
                                                 charities  including  The  Royal  Marines,  BLESMA  (a  charity
                                                 supporting  Limbless  Veterans),  SAAFA  (“The  Armed  Forces
                                                 Charity”), Victim Support and Blythe Bridge Rotary.
                                                 Martin now gives inspirational talks to students - this BLESMA
                                                 initiative  reached  out  to  over  30,000  students  in  the  year  pre
                                                 COVID-19 and the project continued online during the COVID-
                                                 19 restrictions.

                                                 Martin  also  organised  a  fortnightly  food  collection  for  a  local
                                                 foodbank  since  the  beginning  of  COVID-19  lockdown  and  has
                                                 done much more to help in the community.

                                                 In 2016, Martin was awarded the British Empire Medal in the
                                                 Queen’s 90th birthday honours list.

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