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Rotary Magazine for District 1210

       Mercia & Marches (M&M) Rotary was born out of             commitments, my own commitment to Rotary has
       the  need  for  an  alternative  type  of  Rotary         varied  during that  time  -  from  being  President to
       experience  when  compared  with  the  traditional        taking leave of absence. I have however never lost
       Rotary Club model. Although as the name suggests,         my  belief  that  Rotary  is  a  force  for  good.  My  old
       and  as  required  by  Rotary  International,  it  is     Club, of which I had been a founder member, closed
       necessary to have a geographical location, M&M in         its  doors  and  handed  back  its  Charter  earlier  this
       convening its meetings on-line, consequently makes        year. Looking for a new Rotary home, Mercia and
       the club accessible not only to people from within        Marches Rotary looked promising – a new format
       District  1210,  but  also  elsewhere  in  the  UK,  and   aiming  to  create  a  dynamic  and  inclusive  club,
       further afield.                                           operating  in  an  informal  style,  but  still  delivering
                                                                 good  ‘Rotary’.  The  difference  is  less  emphasis  on
       M&M  online  meetings  are  normally  held  twice  a
       month  and  are  recorded  to  enable  members  to        attendance  and  process  with  more  emphasis  on
       remain  fully  informed  of  our  plans  and  activities   action.
       especially  those  with  working  and  domestic           “Mercia and Marches Rotary is a Passport Club and,
       commitments.                                              as  meetings  are  mainly  on-line,  this  seems  to  me
                                                                 one  very  good  way  of  injecting  new  energy  and
       Some of the M&M members transferred from their
       previous club because that club no longer met their       keeping Rotary refreshed for all. We are a new Club
       needs  and  /or  could  not fit  in  with the  member’s   and these are early days. However, much work has
       personal family commitments.                              already been done to establish the foundations of a
                                                                 successful Club and we are now looking at our first
       ‘M&M’ is proper Rotary!                                   community  project.  Yes  –  Mercia  and  Marches
       As  with  the  ‘traditional’  Rotary  model,  the  M&M    Rotary looks promising.
       club  has  a  president,  and  other  officers.  Its      ,,, and why did I choose to join M&M?
       members  are  full  Rotarian  members,  all  part  of
       D1210,  with  the  same  reporting  procedure  and        Rtn. Jane A. Evans: “I really wanted to find a new
       voting rights. The club undertakes Rotary projects        style of Rotary for me and my ever changing work/
       both  locally  and  worldwide  together  with             life  balance.  M&M  offers  me  the  flexibility  and
       commitment  to  the  Rotary  Foundation  and  ‘End        autonomy  to  be  involved  with  other  Rotarians,
       Polio Now’.                                               Groups  and  Volunteers  without  Geographical
       Implementing and actioning its own projects, M&M
       seeks to work with not just other Rotary Clubs, but       “We  are  a  small  and  a  very  welcoming  group,
       to  also  network  with  other  organisations  and        exploring project ideas, encouraging inclusivity and
       groups to effect bigger and better projects, whilst, at   breaking down barriers. We really do listen to one
       the  same  time,  increasing  Rotary  awareness  and      another! We want to pique the interest of people of
       image. Perhaps M&M could assist your club.                all ages.
                                                                 Yes,  still  early  days,  however,  M&M  is  already
       Designing ‘New Look’ Rotary
                                                                 thinking 'Out of the box' becoming an influence for
       Realising the need for an alternative Rotary ‘club’       positive  change  and  powering  towards  the  next
       model,  there  is  a  wealth  of  information  available   Generation  of  Rotary.  I  really  feel  like  a  'Local
       from  “My  Rotary”  online  whilst  also  keeping  in     Global Citizen'”
       mind  ‘How  can  Rotary  fit  the  member,  not  how
       does a member fit into Rotary?’                           M&M projects
                                                                 Whilst  ‘M&M’ Rotary is only five months old and
       Why did I join M&M?
                                                                 currently driven by the very enthusiastic members.
       Rtn. Tim Dukes: “A wise person once said ‘The start       The  team  is  now  seeking  out  additional  project
       of  something  new  brings  the  hope  of  something      opportunities  within  District  1210  and  further
       great,  anything  is  possible’  (anonymous).  Mercia     afield.
       and Marches Rotary is a new Club and brings with          The  club  is  currently  in  conversation  with  several
       it the hope of many good, worthwhile and exciting         town councils, schools and colleges to promote the
       projects and experiences!
                                                                 Queen’s Green  Canopy  initiative to  plant  trees,  to
       “I have been a Rotarian for nearly thirty years. It is    celebrate her platinum jubilee next year. This will
       fair  to  say  that,  due  to  both  work  and  family    provide us with an excellent opportunity to increase
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