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Rotary Magazine for District 1210

                                                                “Our members have the freedom to roam across the
                                                                whole  of  the  UK  as  we  have  no  geographical
                                                                boundary  whilst  keeping  a  watchful  eye  on  the
                                                                ever-changing demands of our local communities.

                                                                “We  seek  to  network  with  other  clubs  so  we  can
                                                                exchange  ideas  and  learn  from  each  other  and
                                                                importantly ALL work together.

                                                                “We  are  working  to  create  experiences  where  all
                                                                people  are  welcomed,  respected,  and  valued  -
                                                                people  of  all  backgrounds,  cultures,  experiences,
                                                                and identities. Our equity policy strives for the fair
                                                                treatment,  opportunity,  and  advancement  of  all
                                                                Rotary members.

                                                                “In  summary  we  differ  from  traditional  clubs  as
       Rotary  ‘awareness’  with  great  publicity  and  ‘PR’
       opportunities.                                           •  Greater flexibility, project driven.
       Conscious  also  of  possible  membership  dividends.    •  Fewer  shorter  meetings  –  possibly  including
       Whilst this is work in progress, we are confident of         family  members  socialising  –  recruitment
       success in the very near future.                             opportunity.    No    meals    =   less   overall
       Not forgetting our international ‘obligations’, when         membership costs.
       our Club Funds allow, Lend with Care is also being       •  We  will  listen  to  members  ideas  and  deliver  if
       considered  as  we  seek  to  help  struggling               considered appropriate
       communities     particularly   in   poverty-stricken     •  Offering  a  viable  alternative  for  those  not
       countries. Supporting this initiative enables people         wishing to join non-traditional clubs, and with a
       to earn their way out of poverty and become self-            different  way  of  working,  hopefully  will  attract
                                                                    younger volunteers.
       On  a  more  seasonal  note,  we  may  have  the         “Our aim is to enable Rotary to fit into a member’s
       opportunity to help with a Santa sleigh.
                                                                life, not for a member to have to fit into the Rotary
       We  are  a  ‘young’  club,  with  great  ideas,  bags  of   structure.”
       enthusiasm, and members that enjoy and WANT to           Why  not  see  for  yourself?  –  Can  we  help
       be involved. ‘Let’s GO Rotary’.
                                                                YOUR club?
       ‘M&M’ President Derek Smith says….
                                                                As  a  new  club  we  have  not  set  out  to  ‘break  the
                                                                rules’,  but  make  ourselves  flexible  and  more
                                                                adaptable, fitting the club and ‘Rotary’ around our
                                                                (prospective)  members,  rather  than  expecting
                                                                everyone to stick rigidly to a standard club template.

                                                                “M&M Rotary looks forward to engaging with other
                                                                Rotary  clubs  as  we  believe  this  could  prove  to  be
                                                                mutually beneficial”.

       “I  was  delighted  to  have  been  invited  to  help
       develop  Mercia  &  Marches  Rotary  as  it  offers  an
       alternative to the traditional Rotary club which, in
       my opinion, is too restrictive.

                                                                                           WINTER 2021/22    ROTO    8
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