Page 11 - Welcome to football index
P. 11
DAY TWO: Saturday
W e ’re checking out the market bright and early and one of us looks no further than Arsenal v
TRADE 5: 5 Mesut Ozil at £2.51 (£12.55)
TRADE 6: 5 Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang at £2.72 (£13.60)
Even our Spurs trader agrees these two look good. It’s an easy game tomorrow, at home
against weak opposition. What’s more, Arsenal’s season-defining Europa League is on
Thursday, giving us scope for a price-recovery if Arsenal fail to deliver today.
Trade 4 settled
10 Julian Weigi bought at £1.04 (£10.40)
Sold at £1.25p
Rise: +21
Credited to Account £12.25
PROFIT £1.85
Lunch, and time to cash in on Weigi. The Manchester links are persisting, but rumours are
often short-lived when the window’s closed. He goes up for sale while some are still buying –
before we expect others to take their profit – and is gone by mid-afternoon.