Page 3 - Contact Center Magazine.pdf
P. 3
Call Center Overview of Activities
Inbound and Customers Order
Outbound calls Retained Registration
On average 3k cust omers ret ained
1381k incoming calls and 238k 25k mont hly order regist rat ion!
mont hly !
out going calls on mont hly basis!
As Customer retention is much Call center is continuously breaking
Calls are at the heart of call center,on cheaper than customer its own record of order registration and
monthly basis call center handles acquisition,retention team works every year sale trends increases.Call
1381k inbound calls ,make 238k efficiently to retain as many customers center is the third major channel in
outbound calls .Out of 1381k calls ,call as possible sale contribution.
center provides on call resolution to
approx 142K calls on monthly basis.
Social Media
NRB Follow up Cases Complains
PTCL Web Chat Team handles 169k
PTCL Back office Team follows up 6k Social media t ransact ion on
NRB Claim mont hly !
6k mont hly ! average
NRB team handles the cases of Follow up teams exist for the Social Media has both driven and
customers not responding to OB dialer complaints having high lead times as coincided with a dramatic change in
and cases where customer is not these customer repeatedly calls the way that businesses and
agree regarding rectification regarding their issues . customers interact. Gone are the days
claim.NRB team calls these customers
of one-way conversations dictated by
and get their status regarding
brands. Customers now demand a
level of speed, convenience and
transparency that is challenging
boardrooms and customer service
professionals like never before.