Page 4 - Contact Center Magazine.pdf
P. 4

                                             Web Chat                               Email

                                            PTCL Web Chat   Team handles 33k        Handles
    473k complaint s  regist ered on        chat s  Mont hly !
                                                                                    41k Email handled on average  on
    mont hly basis!
                                                                                    mont hly basis!
     At call center are objective is to     Web chat allow allow users to            Email is the primary means to offer
   provide first call resolution ,however   communicate real time using easily      web-based assistance for your
   majority of calls  falls outside the   accessible web interface                  customers when matters do not
   ambit of call center agent.
                                                                                    require an immediate answer.
                                                                                    Low-cost, non-intrusive and
                                                                                    anywhere-anytime access are some
                                                                                    of the advantages of email-based

    Calls                                Training Hours                             Talk Time

    Evaluation                            PTCL Web Chat   Team handles 33k  generated

                                          chat s  Mont hly !
   24K calls evaluat ed on mont hly                                                 76k hours t alk t ime generat ed on
   basis                                    Call center  has specific goal of       mont hly basis!
                                          improving capability ,productivity and
     Call center has a strong quality     performance through training              Talk time is the time agent sen on
   control system to maintain quality of                                          call ,basically its every from hello to
   calls.                                                                         goodbye.Call center generates
                                                                                  enormous talk time for customer
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