Page 3 - Pitching_Layout_v09
P. 3


                  In a quaint suburb, two young music students – TOM (6 years old) and his
                  sister JOJO (8 years old) are prac�cing a�er school in their studio space above
                  the garage, when THREE WHIMSICAL BEINGS mysteriously “beam” into the
                  room before them!

                  The strange but friendly visitors explain that they are members of a rock band
                  who hail from a parallel world called “RHYTHMOS.” And, they have come to
                  appeal to Tom and JoJo for help.

                  Music has been BANNED across their world by their selfish Emperor – causing

                  Rhythmos to not only fall into general “disharmony,” but to risk being depleted
                  of the MAGICAL ENERGY which has sustained it from the beginning of �me.
                  The trio is forced to admit that they had nearly lost all hope for their world
                  when they discovered an ancient device – THE AMPLIFINDER – which told of

                  legendary musical bars of wri�en nota�on, hidden all over Rhythmos. These
                  composi�ons  are  not  merely  music,  but  MAGICAL  SPELLS  with  restora�ve
                  proper�es which when correctly performed will restore balance and return
                  life-sustaining energy to Rhythmos, one region at a �me.  Tom and JoJo are

                  cau�ous: but why come to THEM?

                  The three visitors explain that while they are perfectly capable of PLAYING
                  music, they have no idea how to READ music – no one on their world can. On
                  Rhythmos, making music comes as naturally to most everyone as waking up in

                  the morning, so no one has ever NEEDED to write down music – they just
                  “jam!” Only the Ancient Ones transcribed music, because the rhythms and
                  melodies they composed were mys�cal spells.

                  Thankfully, the AmpliFinder honed in on Tom and JoJo’s performance as they

                  were prac�cing just moments ago – leading these visitors to someone who
                  could read music. TWO someones, it would seem, based on the harmony of
                  their interac�on. Tom and JoJo agree to help.

                  …  and  with  great  sense  of  wonder,  our  signature  transporta�on  sequence

                  ensues as the AmpliFinder beams our humans and their three new friends
                  through a VIBRANT MAGICAL PORTAL – the crackle of energy forming musical
                  notes in the air.


     © Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.
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