Page 6 - Pitching_Layout_v09
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But though responsible and pragma�c, JoJo isn’t up�ght – she’s “measured.” She’s
the straight arrow by default, the balance to Tom’s spontaneity and impulsiveness.
Kind, strong and almost always level-headed under pressure, JoJo can nonetheless
become alarmed at any chaos wrought by Tom’s lunacy. The default bandleader/
conductor of the Warriors, JoJo has always believed music has the poten�al to
change the world and though Tom has a very narrow field of music apprecia�on, he
will always be swept away by the group’s own performance of the music du jour by
episode’s end and realize that (fill in the blank music genre) isn’t so bad a�er all.
Likewise, our typically bu�oned-up JoJo can’t help but be swept up in the energy of
the music during any given performance, and it won’t be unusual to see her “let her
hair down” and rock out on her keyboard a la Elton John or Jerry Lee Lewis.
© Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.