Page 10 - Pitching_Layout_v09
P. 10

Arena 51 is not only the Warriors’ mode of transporta�on, their concert stage and

                  their ba�leship, but it’s also their mobile CLUBHOUSE (with all the fun one would
                  expect: kitchene�e/break room equipped with fully-func�oning vintage KARAOKE
                  MACHINE) – a place to hang out, when they’re not ac�vely embarking on a quest. It
                  also houses an “armoury” of sorts: the GEAR BOX, a broom closet which leads to a

                  sizeable VAULT housing everything from spare s�cks, picks and strings to harmonicas
                  and even a sma�ering of orchestral instruments.

                  As with the Batmobile, via the AmpliFinder the Warriors can summon Arena 51 by
                  remote or, if racing back to put on a show a�er collec�ng and rehearsing a Mys�c

                  Score, they might use the AmpliFinder to ac�vate ligh�ng rigs or speakers via remote
                  so everything’s amped and ready by the tme they hit the stage. Because Tom is
                  entrusted with the device, the na�ve Warriors don’t have access to their remote
                  when  the  humans  aren’t  around.  Which  means  they  CAN’T  summon  the  ship

                  if  they’re away from it during these “off hours” (providing another source of occa-
                  sional humour). Again, the goal is to present all the “electricity” of a rock concert
                  with gear that’s awesome and aspira�onal, yet with enough design whimsy to be
                  appealing to our target age group.

                  The Amplifinder is a recording and playback device; Tom uses it to record not only
                  the casual “jams” of the Rhythm Warriors, but their Mys�c Score performances.

                  On that note, it should be known that no recording or playback devices other than
                  the  AmpliFinder  exist  in  Rhythmos  –  its  inhabitants  can’t  comprehend  the  idea

                  of  listening to “canned” music when they can simply PLAY it, since most everyone
                  here on Rhythmos is inherently musical.

                  The AmpliFinder also operates as a communica�ons link or radio – Tom and JoJo can
                  use it to contact their bandmates on the Arena 51 airship while they’re on Earth, or

                  vice-versa; or, while on an adventure in Rhythmos, if they have a Mys�c Score in
                  hand and are racing back to Arena 51 on foot to perform it, they might use it to link
                  into Arena 51’s massive Plasma Screens to let their wai�ng audience of BoogieWoo-
                  gies know they’re on their way.


     © Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.
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