Page 15 - Pitching_Layout_v09
P. 15
MAIN TITLE AND THEME SONG relay how Tom and JoJo were first “recruited” to
Rhythmos by their soon-to-be bandmates, and the AmpliFinder explains the Mys�c
Scores. They join forces to become … the RHYTHM WARRIORS!
OPEN on Earth at home in Tom and JoJo’s garage studio/prac�ce space (or, some-
�mes we’ll bypass and they’ll already be on their way in Rhythmos). Here, we set up
“B-story”/character comedy through-line for kids or bandmates (i.e., a simple differ-
ence of opinion, or Tom is newly enthused by X Y or Z, or …).
If the former, Tom and JoJo receive a signal on the AmpliFinder to say another Mys�c
Score has sent an alert and its loca�on detected: a region of Rhythmos is in trouble.
Tom uses the AmpliFinder to beam JoJo and himself from Earth to Rhythmos (signa-
ture transporta�on sequence).
CASTLE CHOMPUS or THE IRON ZEPPELIN: Emperor Chompus also commands the
Beat Bandits to accomplish the same mission, in person or via communica�on
viewscreens; any villain gadget du jour or character thru-line for the Bandits is intro-
RHYTHMOS: the kids rendezvous with ARENA 51 and the BANDMATES; during
approach to the region du jour, the AmpliFinder might supply some cultural back-
ground of the region’s musical history (i.e., are we going to the land of DooWops
today, or the Mariachis? Punks or Progs?).
The Warriors arrive, perhaps meet some of the locals, see the “depleted” state of
energy in the region which needs help (i.e., drought or dragons?), and begin sleuth-
ing for the precise (o�en camouflaged) whereabouts of the Mys�c Score.
Their task is interrupted by the Beat Bandits for some hijinks and/or a chase – i.e.,
our “fun ac�on set piece” (alternately, they can be beset upon by ye� or gremlins or
any other “local threat du jour,” as the story calls for).
Some�mes we will spend half the episode searching for the Mys�c Score; other
�mes we will “cut to the chase” depending on story needs. Some�mes the nota�on
will be complete; other �mes the kids will find a PARTIAL RHYTHM that may have
been strategically separated from the rest, or sca�ered by �me or �de. The kids
must “solve” the musical puzzle to advance to the next step of the mission.
© Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.