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before a confused LORD CHOMPUS, who demands to know where his Mys�c Score
is??!! The Ogres tear open the cocoon – allowing the spu�ering goo-encrusted Bad-
Beard to come spilling out all over the throne room floor in a sea of ick that engulfs
Chompus’ feet. Yuck!
Synopses For Oher Sample Episodes: Hot Dogs (Premise)
When the usually brave and stoic TABITHA learns the AmpliFinder is sending them to
a region plagued by roaming CHIHUAHUAS, she uncharacteris�cally s�ffens – a la
Indiana Jones when it comes to snakes, she seems to fear these beasts. Tom can’t
help but laugh: seriously?? The “guitar hero” he looks up to is afraid of �ny yapping
dogs?? Please tell him it’s simply a “cats and dogs” thing!! Tab tells Tom he doesn’t
understand – but they’re interrupted by the AmpliFinder as it fills in back story about
the legendary “Music of the Mariachis” they will soon be encountering.
Meanwhile at Castle Chompus, the Dark Lord is excited: Rodney has given him
reason to believe the Mys�c Score of the Mariachis will weave a magic spell that will
restore his fire-breathing powers, and sends the BeatBandits off on their task.
As Arena 51 approaches Maraca Mesa – a region known not only for its music but for
its cuisine – it only makes Tom and Groover (and especially Sausages!) ravenous for
what they’ve been told are THE best fresh corn masa tamales ever
made! But there’s no �me to stop for grub: first they must find the
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