Page 22 - Pitching_Layout_v09
P. 22

Soul of the Surf (Premise)

                  The  Warriors  find  themselves  in  a  SEASIDE
                  village that seems to be a magnet for strand-
                  ed MARINERS – salty old nau�cal types who

                  like to sing SEA SHANTIES.  But there isn’t
                  enough “energy” in their crusty vocalizing
                  to keep the �des constant, leading to ships
                  crashing into the rocky shore here –

                  adding  to  the  local  sailor  popula�on.
                  There's much hilarity in the over-run fishing
                  village, besieged with  shanty singers.  The
                  BeatBandits and Cacaw will certainly be at

                  home among this crowd, but it’s LOWNOTE
                  who is the spirit and soul of this adventure –
                  he may not be a man of the sea, but he’s a man of the surf and can relate to their
                  woes: nothing worse than the bad surf that comes with a low �de for Lownote.  In

                  our finale, it’s “Pipeline” for our heroes and “Wipeout” for the BeatBandits as the
                  Warriors summon good vibra�ons from a SURF GUITAR-inspired Mys�c Score – and
                  Lownote gets to whip out his sur�oard and ride a monster wave of magical energy
                  (and the BoogieWoogies get to bust out their Boogie boards ;-)

                  Rushing or Dragon? (Premise)

                  En route to a Mys�c Score hunt in Moptopia, Tabitha a�empts to give Groover some
                  “construc�ve cri�cism” about his habit of bombas�cally playing too fast and ahead

                  of the beat – which has nearly cost them the proper performance of a Mys�c Score
                  or two. Groover’s feelings manage to get hurt and, in a petulant outburst, our drum-
                  mer announces he’s leaving the band.  Lownote’s not worried, Groover just needs to
                  cool off:  “He always comes back.”

                  But wandering Rhythmos’ equivalent of Liverpool, Groover bumps into the BeatBan-
                  dits who happen to be in disguise as “mop tops” – and ask the froggy ex-Warrior to
                  join their “fab foursome,” figuring that a “ringer” from the Rhythm Warriors will
                        provide them with the edge they need to properly perform a Mys�c Score.

                             Now feeling appreciated, will Groover unwi�ngly play a Mys�c Score for
                               the dark side? Or will Wart’s hurt feelings at being replaced by another
                                 drummer be the undoing of BadBeard’s scheme?


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