Page 21 - Pitching_Layout_v09
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style they encounter turns out to
be one of the more, shall we say,
“acquired” tastes: (the Rhythmos
equivalent of) PEKING OPERA. Tom
is beside himself: dreaded “opera”
again, he can’t escape it! There’s no
way he can bring himself to actually PER-
FORM that kind of music!
But of course when all is said and done, we flip the script: it’s Tom (and Groover) who
wind up being ecsta�c when they learn they get to bash away to their heart’s delight
in the largely percussive Peking Opera form. And it’s JoJo who now winces with
displeasure – she may as well be listening to Tom bashing away in their studio, this is
ONE kind of opera she can’t seem to acquire a taste for. Furthermore, there are
other inherent challenges: the unusual Chinese scales and tonali�es; who among
them can SING in this language?!; and the “performance” aspect must be honored
in order for the Opera to be properly performed for the TBD magic spell to be
released. Which means that today the Warriors REALLY get to “put on a show” – on
stage, and IN COSTUME. And wouldn’t you know it, the Opera’s songbook tells the
story of a Chinese Dragon …
Needless to say, LORD CHOMPUS leaves the castle to a�end to ma�ers this �me
around – and hijinks ensue as the Dark Lord winds up on-stage during the perfor-
mance, being confused for the Chinese Dragon in the story. And, the BeatBandits as
Chinese acrobats with painted faces, anyone? Chompus’ Droids will also enter the
fray, though their tuning fork antennae are having a difficult �me deciding whether
or not the sounds they’re picking up are actually music. And alas, when Tom and
Groover realize that they can’t just use ANY percussion due to the unique tonali�es
required, Chompus’ Droids wind up coming in handy – as percussion, the ‘bots make
the perfect “cla�er” and “clang.”
In the end, despite the chaos: JoJo does manage to stay true to her view that one
should at least keep an open mind about apprecia�ng different kinds of music: she
comes to appreciate that Peking Opera is s�ll “Opera” – even if the melodies weren’t
quite her cup of tea, she is extremely moved by the fairy-tale ending of true love, and
defeated dragons.
© Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.