Page 17 - Pitching_Layout_v09
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STORY SAMPLES [NOTE: curriculum in ANY episode of Rhythm War-
riors is a given; the samples below are intended to demonstrate some of the vari-
ety, fun and character stories possible in our world].
Episode1ğMetamorphosis (Outline)
Tom and JoJo are having a spirited debate about which is the most important
element of a perfect pop song: Rhythm (Tom) or Melody (JoJo)? They can’t seem to
come to a consensus but are saved by the proverbial bell: the AmpliFinder alerts
them to their next mission. Arriving in Rhythmos and en route to their des�na�on in
Arena 51, Tom brings the bandmates into their debate: but Tabby, Lownote and
Groover can’t seem to agree either (Tabby siding with JoJo, Groover siding with Tom,
and Lownote seeming to side with neither).
Meanwhile, BadBeard and the Bandits are lamely trying to prove to Lord Chompus
that he and his gang are “musically cultured” but only managing to dig a deeper hole
for themselves, when they too are saved by the bell: Rodney - Chompus' sen�ent
staff - has detected a poten�al Mys�c Score, and sends them off.
Our heroes arrive in what was clearly once a DENSE RAINFOREST of GIANT FRONDS
(very ‘Avatar’), but find the area overrun by ‘CLATTERPILLARS’ (COW-sized caterpil-
lars!). The AmpliFinder informs the gang that the natural order is out of balance here
– the lack of music has caused the area to become overpopulated by these plant-eat-
ing creatures, which will defoliate the area, which will in turn deprive the indigenous
Rain-Forest beas�es of shelter (insert sight gags of fronds being eaten away – leaving
sleeping BoogieWoogies without their “blankies” and vulnerable to the elements).
In short, the ecosystem here is on the verge of ruin.
As our heroes get to work seeking out the hidden Mys�c Score, CROSSCUT TO THE
BEAT BANDITS for a variety of vigne�e gags as they fall vic�m to their inep�tude in
naviga�ng the terrain (i.e., quicksand, leeches, ge�ng tangled in vines, etc).
Meanwhile, the Warriors find the Mys�c Score: woven into the “veins” of a giant
LEAFY FROND. But, they discover it is ONLY rhythm – the melody bar must be hidden
elsewhere! No �me to hunt further: the BeatBandits finally arrive so, with no other
recourse at the moment, the Warriors grab various percussion and get to work PLAY-
ING THE RHYTHM ONLY – and achieve instant results, since the CLATTERPILLARS
respond by marching away from the fronds with some as-of-yet-un-
known purpose. Tom’s having a great �me right now – clearly,
© Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.