Page 12 - Pitching_Layout_v09
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                 EMPEROR CHOMPUS

                 The Dark Emperor of Rhythmos, LORD CHOMPUS rules the lands with a literal iron

                 claw – and a proverbial �n ear.

                 Though he’s a Dragon, Chompus has lost the ability to breathe fire. He’s extremely
                 insecure about this fact and it is one reason that he’s COMPLETELY OBSESSED WITH
                 FINDING THE MYSTIC SCORES. He believes there’s a Mys�c Score out there that will

                 restore his powers – “light his fire,” as it were. He is also a wizard with some degree
                 of mastery over magic; and if he can collect the Mys�c Scores, he believes that they
                 will make him ALL POWERFUL. Thus, Chompus wants ALL THE MYSTIC SCORES FOR


                 Chompus  controls  fleets  of  ROBOT  DROIDS  that  are  equipped  with  TUNING
                 FORK-like ANTENNAE. On permanent patrol, they roam the countryside a�emp�ng
                 to detect any musical gatherings – which they “silence” by confisca�ng instruments

                 and otherwise fining and/or jailing the na�ve scofflaws whom they might catch play-
                 ing music.

                 The regal Chompus generally keeps behind the scenes, commanding missions from
                 his dark throne – though he will from �me to �me become directly involved in an

                 adventure by spreading his MIGHTY WINGS and taking to the skies.

                 THE BEAT BANDITS

                 Freelance Pirates for hire– and the main ongoing compe��on to our Rhythm War-

                 riors. The BeatBandits are comprised of a Troll (Badbeard), non-iden�cal twin Ogres
                 (Scab & Wart), and a cyborg Parrot (Cacaw). They work for pay though they will also
                 work for cheese. This motley crew flies around Rhythmos in their airship, THE IRON
                 ZEPPELIN. The ship’s powerful name belies its appearance, since it’s as dilapidated as
                 a flying rust bucket and as smelly as a garbage scow and prone to constant mechani-

                 cal breakdowns.


     © Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.
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