Page 9 - Pitching_Layout_v09
P. 9


                 The AmpliFinder looks and operates like an large, autonomous smartphone. Among
                 its many features, it alerts our human heroes to let them know when they’re
                 needed; and, it transports them through a magical/musical energy portal to Rhyth-
                 mos and back again.

                 It is the na�ve guide and map system, providing historic  and  cultural  background
                 on  any  given  region  our  heroes  are  about  to visit  and  explore  –  both  prepping
                 us  for  the  day’s  story  and  musical  genre,  as  well  as  providing some educa�onal
                 element. It speaks with a commanding, thespian, Sir Ian McKellan-like demeanour.
                 When  the  magical  energy  which  sustains  any  given  region  of  Rhythmos

                 depletes  enough to impact the environment, the ancient Mys�c Score hidden in
                 that region will send out an “S.O.S.” alert via trace magic – an alert detected by The
                 AmpliFinder (and, unfortunately, a similar device possessed by our villains – more on

                 them below). It is in this way that the AmpliFinder is able to lead our heroes to the
                 general loca�on of the Mys�c Score of today's episode. Once they manage to uncov-
                 er its exact whereabouts, the kids use their device to “scan and read” the nota�on
                 on the Score (like an iPhone app).

                 Once loaded into the device, if Tom or JoJo can properly hum, drum, whistle or clap
                 the notes, the device “synchronizes” – confirming that they are correct, then playing
                 back the tune in a basic beep (i.e., not “strong” enough to release the magic, which
                 they must accomplish by performing on REAL instruments; also note the interac�ve
                 play pa�ern, and that this would be the FIRST ITERATION of the new tune du jour).

                 Now they know they are on the right track to the next step:  Rehearsal! ARENA 51 is
                 the Rhythm Warriors' AIRSHIP/MOBILE CONCERT STAGE which is FULLY MODULAR in
                 order to suit the needs of any concert se�ng  (i.e., en�re setup with plasma screens

                 and “wall of sound” amps can be used for outdoor
                 fes�val style shows; or amps and ligh�ng rig can be
                 removed for a more in�mate se�ng in a natural
                 “amphitheatre”-style  cavern);  the  giant  plasma
                 screens  will  o�en  be  useful  in  reinforcing  the

                 curriculum  during  climac�c  performance
                 sequences,  as  we  again  see  the  nota�on  in
                 graphics while the kids perform to it in real �me.

                                                                             ** Design is not  nalised yet.

     © Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.
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