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In every episode, Tom and JoJo will travel to this parallel world to “get the
band back together” and locate yet another of these magical spells disguised
as a bar of music … with all the thrills of an epic QUEST and all the fun of a
SCAVENGER HUNT! Once one of these hidden bars of nota�on is found, our
heroes will read, rehearse, and perform its notes in an exci�ng concert
se�ng (i.e., curriculum meets aspira�on – “pu�ng on a show!”).
But while Tom and JoJo will always return home in �me for dinner and
homework, they will encounter obstacles both natural and villain-based
along the way – which means their adventures won’t ever be without some
peril. Because Tom, JoJo and their three new friends are not only a BAND of
musicians, but a TEAM of HEROES. They are…
© Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.