Page 5 - Pitching_Layout_v09
P. 5


                  TOM & JOJO

                  6 year old TOM dreams of growing up to be
                  an arena rock superstar, while 8 year old
                  big sister JOJO has a “serious” future musi-

                  cal career as a concert pianist in mind.
                  Where  JoJo  thinks  “pres�ge,”  Tom  thinks
                  “success.”  Where  JoJo  thinks  “classical,”
                  Tom  thinks  “classic  rock.”    While  these

                  siblings are both talented budding musi-
                  cians, they couldn’t be more different from
                  one another in both musical taste, and

                  Tom throws himself into anything and
                  everything, the wilder and messier the be�er: there is no adventure too grand for
                  this mighty li�le boy. Fortunately, he’s had JoJo to inspire discipline in his studies. But
                                                         Tom  has  other  contribu�ons  to  make:  like

                                                             many young children, Tom is fearless
                                                                when it comes to technology so has an
                                                                intui�ve knack for how the AmpliFind-
                                                                er operates – unlike JoJo, who’s a bit

                                                                lost trying to navigate it.


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