Page 14 - Pitching_Layout_v09
P. 14
Our heroes must locate the Mys�c Scores, they must “crack the code” – i.e., read the
musical nota�ons and interpret them so they can be performed by the bandmates –
correctly, which is the only way to release its magic.
Each episode will end with the sugges�on that our heroes have scanned said Mys�c
Score into the AmpliFinder for safe-keeping from the villains, and taught the music
to any locals so that they may con�nue playing the tune in order to keep the area
Pirates, creatures, aerial pursuits, treasure hunts – exci�ng stuff, right? While we
want our audience to enjoy all the thrills and trappings of a fantasy/adventure show,
we will do so without “direct physical confronta�on”: this is not a 6-11 boys’ ac�on
show (though it will be cleverly disguised as one!).
As such, our heroes will always use their ingenuity and MUSICAL SOLUTIONS to get
out of scrapes, and outwit or otherwise defeat the villains. Thus, the unique hook of
our series can be summed up as a Ba�le of the Bands – not of the fists. The Pirates
will indeed fall vic�m to physical pra�alls, but almost always of their own making (a
la Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote). The message we’re sending will be clear: heroes
play nice, bad guys don’t.
And worth a men�on if you haven’t no�ced: music will provide thema�c fabric of
our show at all levels – from curriculum, to “in joke” winks to the parents, to the
references in dialogue. Our heroes are passionate musicians who live and breathe
Rhythm. So for them, brainstorming is “riffing;” when someone’s sad or bummed
out, they have “the blues;” when they’re trapped, they’re “snared;” Lownote takes
offense if Tom says something smells “funky” – that word has very posi�ve connota-
�ons for our bassist; Tom’s not pumped, he’s AMPED; and so forth.
And to put a finer point on our curriculum: the Mys�c Score of any given episode will
form the basis of the song that will feature in that episode’s finale. By the �me the
Rhythm Warrior team have decoded the Score, rehearsed it as a band, and sum-
moned its magic spell, the viewers will be familiar with it too – encouraging the
home audience to perform along from a rhythmic perspec�ve, along with Groover,
by reading the nota�on projected via plasma screens or the like.
© Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.