Page 13 - Pitching_Layout_v09
P. 13
GROOVER (Drums & Percussion)
He’s the archetypical rockstar and instrument technician of Arena 51. Groover
is a super laid-back islander-type creature when "off stage", but is a crazy, wild and
high-energy drummer when "on stage", so keep your breakables at a safe distance!
Tom and Groover are inseparable and find each other hysterically funny - mischievous
prac�cal jokers and partners in grime - o�en making an almighty mess on their
adventures. While accident prone, he has the uncanny ability to turn almost anything
into an improvised rhythm – from falling coconuts to the cla�er from a dropped a bag
of tools - Groover can turn it into a cool beat.
These BoogieWoogies have tagged along with the Warriors since their first adventure
in Rhythmos, when Tom & JoJo impressed upon them that the metre of their names
match certain musical note types and rests when lined up beside their own. More
than just pets, these three beas�es of varying sizes and shapes func�on more like the
TEAM MASCOTS of Arena 51. Needless to say, Snooze is the lazy one, Sausages the
hungry one, and Rockabilly the wild one. When the music starts, our mascots can be
counted upon to lead the BoogieWoogie throngs in some synchronized dance moves.
Once they get going, they’re a three-beast furry PEP SQUAD – exuberantly
leading any audience of BoogieWoogies, big or small.
RHYTHMOS is a vast and magical place, comprising an INFINITE VARIETY of geo-
graphic locales (think a music-based version of Tolkien’s ‘Middle Earth’). Here, we
will find Dense Rainforests, Tropical Beachheads, Lost Ci�es, Ancient Temples, Laby-
rinths, Pyramids, Snow-capped Mile-High Burgs, Atlan�s-like Underwater Ci�es,
Flying Islands etc. – all with an eye toward “Indiana Jones”-type thrills.
All regions will be visually linked by a design-style and “technology” we’ll refer to as
ISLAND TECH – more fantas�cal than “sci-fi,” with the requisite amount of whimsy
appropriate to our age group. Island Tech will manifest in the architecture, gadgets,
vehicles, and of course the musical instruments of our world.
The whole of Rhythmos is inherently and organically musical, populated with natu-
rally occurring instruments: oversized mushrooms are “Shrums,” and func�on as
tuned percussion; there are Log Drums, Xylopalms (xylophone palm trees), Bamboo
Bass Guitars, Guitar-String Grasses; deep within an ice cave, one might delicately
play hanging ice crystals as if they were chimes.
Every region of Rhythmos will possess its own musical culture, allowing us to explore
styles as diverse as symphonic, opera�c, string quartet, classic rock, garage rock,
heavy metal, prog, punk, fusion, funk, soul, R&B, rag�me, swing, show tunes, pop
tunes, tango, flamenco, mariachi, country, techno, dub, hip hop, K-Pop etc etc etc.
Through their epic quests, our young heroes find that they can salvage these musical
composi�ons from the dustbin of history. Though the Mys�c Scores are comprised
of WRITTEN MUSICAL NOTES such as those found on any SHEET MUSIC, they weren’t
necessarily composed on parchment – which will lead to much fun in their discovery.
For while some Mys�c Scores will certainly be found wri�en onto scrolls, others
might have been carved on a cave wall, or the underside of a treasure chest; or
chipped into bark at the top of a harrowing mile-high oak; or in a sandy shore, magi-
cally revealed only at low �de during a full moon; or, materializing only for scant
moments when projected through a prism, during a par�cular alignment of the sun.
Tom and JoJo will quickly come to realize that music is a “universal language” – which
is to simply say, nota�on follows the same form here in Rhythmos as it does back on
Earth (i.e., so the kiddies at home can follow along).
© Sparky Animation and Presto Digital Ltd.