Page 20 - Pitching_Layout_v09
P. 20

Mys�c Score. Flying over fields of corn, they spot a massive “crop circle”-like musical

                  note carved into the fields. Their first clue!

                  On foot now and wandering through the literal maze of maize, it doesn’t take long
                  for Tom to learn why Tabby has the fear: in Maraca Mesa, Chihuahuas are THE SIZE
                  OF ELEPHANTS.  Now Tom understands: “They’re really big Chihuahuas.” But nope,

                  Tabby tells him that’s not all:  like dragons, THESE CHIHUAHUAS CAN BREATHE FIRE!!
                  Turns out, Tab has no phobia – EVERYONE is afraid!!

                  Needless to say, hijinks ensue: a crazy chase in the corn field, with plumes of Chihua-
                  hua  flame  making  “instant  popcorn”  of  surrounding  kernels  all  along  the  way;

                  Tabitha demonstrates her bravery by facing down a giant Chihuahua to keep it from
                  trampling Snooze, who’s sleeping in its path; Scab and Wart get singed and scorched
                  while BadBeard winds up bareback on one of the beasts for a “wild rodeo” ride; the
                  Mys�c Score is found, etched into the kernels of an ancient ossified CORN COB
                  (which Sausages nearly eats!); and when played by the Warriors, tradi�onal Mariachi

                  music is transformed into a Los Lobos/”La Bamba”-style rocker that brings out Boo-
                  gieWoogies for some fes�ve “Cumbia”-style dancing … yet calms the Chihuahuas??
                  It turns out, the beasts only breathe fire when they’re ski�sh – and they’re only

                  ski�sh without their na�ve music to soothe them.

                  In the end, Lord Chompus does get “fire mouth” but not quite in the way he envi-
                  sioned: the Habanero Chili Sauce the BeatBandits bring back from the trip gets acci-
                  dentally launched into his maw, and it’s EXTREMELY SPICY.  Ouch!!!!

                  No Peking Allowed (Premise)

                  JoJo’s at her wit’s end:  Groover has been giving Tom drum lessons on the side and
                  has loaned him his spare kit.  Now, she has to listen to Tom bashing away like a luna-

                  �c in their garage studio prac�ce space: she doesn’t think there’s anything inherently
                  musical about the noise he’s making, and tells Tom he should try apprecia�ng differ-
                  ent kinds of music instead of merely “loud and louder.” Tom ma�er-of-factly shrugs:
                  “Why?” Ugh, there’s no winning with Tom. To make her point, JoJo cues up the iPod
                  and plays back one of her favorite ARIAS – heavenly, isn’t it? But any Opera is in turn

                  equally like claws on chalkboard to Tom’s ears: he and JoJo may simply have to agree
                  to disagree.

                             The AmpliFinder sends them off on their next adventure, and the musical


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