Page 7 - Abraham Lincoln Hearse Narrative
P. 7

Photographs provided by Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum

             This image taken in Beardstown,            This painting entitled ‘Lincoln, the Campaigner’ depicts a
             Illinois, on May 7, 1858, by               young Abraham Lincoln running for the Illinois Legislature.
             Abraham Byers, shows Lincoln               (Elected to Illinois General Assembly in 1834, 1836, 1838,
             shortly after he had secured an            1840; elected to U.S. House of Representatives in 1846)
             acquittal for his client William
             ‘Duff’ Armstrong in the Almanac

                                                                                       Caption to come

             In this painting entitled ‘Abraham Lincoln, Candidate’   This photo taken, August 8, 1860, shows
             Mr. Lincoln, before a packed house delivers the ‘House   Lincoln standing upon his front steps greeting
             Divided Speech’ on June 16, 1858, announcing his         friends and neighbors while a massive crowd
             campaign to challenge Stephen Douglas to represent       prepares to head to a Republican political
             Illinois in the United States Senate.”                   rally at the fairgrounds.

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