Page 4 - Staab GPL booklet
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GPL booklet_11_2019.qxp_GPL booklet 10-10.qxd  6/26/20  6:56 AM  Page 3

                                  PAYMENT POLICY

                 The payment policy is intended to avoid a financial burden.
                                   Planning Ahead Today™

                           Payment Options = Final Expense Deposit

              Option (A) Single Payment Or Flexible Payment Plan:

                      Cash,  check,  ACH,  VISA,  Discover,  Master  Card  or  Pre-Authorized  Bank
                  Account Debit shall be deposited in accordance with the Illinois Funeral or
                  Burial Funds Act.

                      The Right Choice™ . . . Planning Ahead Today™ eliminates the uncertainty
                  and  financial  burden.  Obituary  placement  and  rendering  of  services  are
                  without delay.

              Option (B) Two Step Process 60% + Balance = Final Expense Deposit:
                      STEP (1) 60%  cash,  check,  ACH,  VISA,  Discover,  Master  Card  or  Pre-
                  Authorized Bank Account Debit shall be deposited in accordance with the
                  Illinois Funeral or Burial Funds Act.

                      The greater amount of 60% or total “A” on the Pre-Need Funeral Contract
                  and Assignment form may be a single payment or a flexible payment plan.

                      STEP (2) Balance  Due/collateral  assignment,  provided  by  the  client
                  family/beneficiary(s), payable to Staab Funeral Home® acknowledged &
                  confirmed by the insurance company(s) in writing verifying a death benefit
                  sufficient to pay the anticipated balance at the time of need.

                     Obituary placement and rendering of services may be delayed with Option (B)

              Funded Pre-Need Funeral Contract & Assignment Revisions/Changes:

                      Unusual circumstances may arise at the time of need. Should this be the case,
                  the  next  of  kin  or  legally  responsible  person  typically  has  the  following
                  options, absent a Judicial Order:
                             1) Provide the goods and services selected as agreed by the Purchaser.
                             2) Apply  the  death  benefit  towards  the  revised  goods  and  services
                         selected at today’s prices.

                             3) Cash refund, if any, shall be subject to the following provisions and
                         regulations;  Purchase  Contract,  Illinois  Funeral  or  Burial  Funds  Act
                         and  the  Illinois  Department  of  Human  Services  (Public  Aid).  If  the
                         deceased is an active public aid recipient, all unused cash refund shall
                         be paid directly to the State of Illinois.

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