Page 3 - NYCD Honoree Luncheon Journal_2019 (3)
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Rev. Dr. A. Alfred Carson

                                                            African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
                                                                 New York Annual Conference
                                                     Presiding Elder – New York City District & London District

                                                November 16, 2019

                                                To the Honorees of the New York City District,

                                                   “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, REJOICE” –
                                                                       Philippians 4:4

               We rejoice with the New York City District as we celebrate the years of stellar stewardship of:

               Mrs. Delma Marshall          Ms. Verdelle Cunningham             Ms. Elizabeth Wansley
               Ms. M. Denise Niles          Ms. Wilhelmina Lee                  Mrs. Edith Mayfield
                                            Mr. Melvin Cummings

               As the Presiding Elder of the New York City District, I appreciate all the hard work and dedication our
               honorees have demonstrated, not just to the New York City District but to the New York Conference and
               the AME Zion Church as well.

               We give thanks to God for their faithfulness to our Lord Jesus the Christ and for sustaining their
               proclamation of God’s ‘Good News’ over these many years. We pray for your future endeavors in
               ministry and look ahead with hope for mutual opportunities to share God’s gospel of love with all who
               are hungering and thirsting for God’s justice.

               I am confident that God will continue to do great and marvelous things for our honorees as they continue
               their respective ministry.   God is not finished with you yet as you continue to grow in ministry, and lives
               will continue to be saved as a result thereof.


               A. Alfred Carson

               Rev. Dr. A. Alfred Carson, Presiding Elder
               New York City District
               London District
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