Page 4 - NYCD Honoree Luncheon Journal_2019 (3)
P. 4

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
                                                    New York Annual Conference

                                                         New York City District

               November 16, 2019

               “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people,
               because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good
               they do, whether they are slave or free.” Ephesians 6:7-9 (NIV)
               Praise God for all that He has done!!!

               To the Stellar Stewards of the New York City District that we are
               honoring this day,

               Mrs. Delma Marshall          Ms. Verdelle Cunningham
               Ms. Elizabeth Wansley        Ms. M. Denise Niles
               Ms. Wilhelmina Lee           Mrs. Edith Mayfield
                                            Mr. Melvin Cummings

               Thank you for your service to the New York City District and beyond.  I am honored to be the
               chairperson of this function, which is to give you honor and praise while you are present to
               experience and receive it.  Each of you have been examples of what being a district officer and
               pillar in your local churches should be.  We pray that those who follow will use your years of
               experience to model their prospective ministries.

               Each of you continue to provide support and guidance to those of us who periodically lean on
               you for direction.  You are respected and revered across the denomination, and this is why we
               honor you today.

               As you are presented with your flowers and accolades today, please know that God has more for
               you to do.  Ministries and teaching continue that your experience and knowledge is needed.  May
               God give you the strength and vision to continue to till in His vineyard until the harvest is due.
               “Thank you” to the Honorees Luncheon Committee for their support and constant cooperation
               in this endeavor.  This would not have been more than an ink on a page without each of you.

               In His Service,
               Mrs. Dorian M. Carson

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