Page 8 - NYCD Honoree Luncheon Journal_2019 (3)
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attended Bible Study classes in the community and the New York School of Bible. In 2017 she is a
            Certified Lay Chaplain with the New York State Chaplaincy Association.  She is a Life Member of the
            Brooklyn NAACP, where she has serviced on the board.  She appeared at the Tribeca Performing Arts
            Theatre at BMCC in a production for the Human Resources Administration Annual African American
            History Celebration, “Justice Delayed but Not Denied”.  She is a member of the Order of Eastern Stars
            for over 57  years and is the immediate Past  Matron of Christopher  Chapter #19,  O.E.S under the
            jurisdiction of the Star of Bethlehem Grand Chapter, Brooklyn, New York.  She is the mother of two
            daughters, Terry Ann and Sharon Michele, one grandson Marvin.  She has two sisters and one brother.
            She says “I will bless the Lord at all times, His praises shall continuously be in my mouth. Psalms. 34:1

                                   Edith mayfield

                                 Edith Mayfield is a native New Yorker.  She is married to Mr. Marvin E. Mayfield,
                                 Jr.  This honoree was educated in the New York City public school system.  After
                                 having skipped a grade, Sis. Edith graduated from Norman Thomas High School
                                 at the age of 16.  Later, she went on to graduate from Fordham University where
                                 she received her Bachelor's degree in Business; she has held several positions in the
                                 public sector, where her professional skills were developed.  A trained Chaplain,
                                 effective September 2019,  Sis. Edith  completed 800 hours of Clinical Pastoral
                                 Education; the clinical  hours have afforded her an opportunity to work with
            incarcerated females, one-on-one, at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility and provide pastoral care.  She is
            presently pursuing her Master of Divinity Degree, full-time, from Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan
            University.  Sis. Edith has served her beloved Zion in a variety of capacities both locally and District
            wide.  She loves to help people gain a better understanding of God's word and apply it to their lives.  On
            Friday, March 4, 2016, she delivered her Trial Sermon entitled “A Statement of Faith” (Psalm 27: 1-4).
            A missionary at heart, the scripture that reflects her call into ministry is Matthew 25:36 (NIV):   I needed
            clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
            Life Scripture:  “…The joy of the Lord is my strength.”  Neh. 8:10b

                                  Marie denise niles

                                M. Denise Niles is a native New Yorker – born and raised in Brooklyn, New York.
                                She was educated in private schools and matriculated at Brooklyn College of the
                                City University of New York with major concentrations in Sociology and Urban
                                Studies.  For 32 years, she was employed as Executive Assistant to the late Rev. Dr.
                                Calvin B. Marshall III at Varick Memorial A. M. E. Zion Church.  She has been a
                                member of Mother A.  M. E. Zion Church since 2009 and serves as  Deaconess,
                                Secretary of the Board of Trustees, and holds membership with the W.H.&O.M.
            Society, Lay Council, and in the Music Ministry. She is currently serving as Administrative Assistant to
            the Pastor of Mother Zion, The Rev. Dr. Malcolm J. Byrd.  Denise has been Financial Secretary of the
            New York City District for many years and serves on the Finance Committee of the New York Annual
            Conference.  In the General Church, she served as 2nd Vice President of the International Minsters and
            Lay Association for 8 years and is now in her second term as Secretary of that Association. She has been
            an Alternate Lay Delegate to the General Conference and worked on the General Administrative Staff for
            many years. Denise has been a Licensed Realtor with Crossings Realty in Kew Gardens since 2008 and
            established herself as a competent sales and rental agent in Queens and the NYC metropolitan area.
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