Page 52 - How to Sell Cloud Services for Resellers - HSCR
P. 52

Engaging with Business Decision Makers

 Head of     Pain Points                     Questions                    Implications
Services  Contact center    1. How do you measure the              Contact centers often
          efficiency and        efficiency of your contact center  use expensive IT
          Customer Loyalty      team.                              solutions that are difficult
                                                                   to justify, yet the benefits
                            2. What collaboration tools do you     are recognized.
                                use for communicating with         Aim to focus on one or
                                customers?                         two key processes and
                                                                   find out where
                            3. How do you measure and track        improvements can be
                                customer loyalty?                  easily monitored and
                            4. How are your customer care          Explain how Cloud
                                processes supported by IT          Services and Hosted
                                applications?                      Collaboration is ideally
                                                                   suited to customer care
                            5. What challenges do you face by      and how it can be
                                delays in bringing new IT          delivered on a pay as
                                applications into service?         you go/grow model.
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