Page 28 - Application-led Cloud Sales- Cloud Week
P. 28
Student Supporting Notes
We can classify demand in 4 main categories as shown on the screen.
1: high growth (poster child is SalesForce) but happening in all functional areas: HR, Finance, Service, Sales, Marketing,
Desktop/EUC, ERP, etc..
• Also growth of apps being developed for deployment in the Cloud (“Cloud Native”) and to take advantage of Cloud architectures
(more on that in Module 2)
2: IT (or Managed Service Providers) creating Private Clouds – although many are little more that highly Virtualised
compute/storage farms so lacking all of the necessary attributes to be a true Cloud
3: Emerging market for IT to off-load “IT apps” to the Cloud - eg: Disaster Recovery, Archive, Backup, Infrastructure (especially for
temporary workloads) & Service Desk. Frees up existing Infrastructure assets for redeployment and/or avoids Tech Refresh and/or
supports geo expansion and/or frees up FTEs
• Mention that many Partners and Cisco Sales have contacts in IT/Data Centre these “IT Applications” could provide a “low
hanging fruit” opportunity.
• Ask for thoughts about that or examples of where Partners are delivering those types of services.
4: ISVs looking to migrate there licenced software to the Cloud to deliver as-a-Service. Particular target area for IBM (BlueMix),
Microsoft (Azure), but also attractive to mainstream Software as-a-Service vendors who have exposed their APIs via Platform as-a-
Service (eg. SalesForce “Force” platform).
• Cisco does not normally approach ISVs to offer as-a-Service support for transitioning their applications – could this be an
opportunity area for Partners?