Page 74 - Partner Business Transformation Workshop Refresh
P. 74

Sales process

      Opportunity Generation                         Sales Closing                     Account Management

Opportunity generation for Cloud        In general, revenue associated with     More than ever before, your team
based Solutions can be very different   Cloud opportunities tends to be         needs to focus on the account
than traditional hardware focus sales.  smaller in the first year. Update your  management role. Renewals are
Your should plans to address:           selling process to ensure that you      critical for the recurring sales model.
                                        maintain the proper sales coverage.     You need to decide:
• Higher velocity deal flow and         The critical differences that need to
  qualifications                        be investigated are:                    • Will AM be managed by the sales
                                                                                  team or a dedicated AM staff?
• Web based POCs and/ or demos          • Less customization
                                                                                • Do my processes support a goal of
• New customer acquisition using        • Focus on fast qualification             90+% renewal rate?
  Cloud as a catalyst
                                        • Speed to closure                      • Do you have an customer cloud
                                                                                  expansion / adoption plan?
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