Page 302 - Installation Training Binder FIT1-3
P. 302
Application Brief
Doc # AB1010 – May 15, 2012 rev. 1
Overview of the NFPA 70E
The key section of the General Duty Clause is that
This brief over view of the National Fire Protection which covers the recognized hazards. Electricity is a
Association’s latest edition of the Standard for Electrical recognized hazard and OSHA has, and will continue to,
Safety in the Workplace will discuss the history of the NFPA use the NFPA 70E as a means to enforce the General
70E, some of the requirements for a worker to be Duty Clause where employers have not eliminated the
considered a qualified person, energized electrical work, and electrical hazards faced by their employees.
the selection of Personal Protective Equipment based on
Hazard analysis. The 70E describes the nature of the hazards of
The session will last approximately 20 minutes and have a electricity, which are electric shock, electric arc flash
10 minute time for questions and answers at the end. and electric arc blast. All three of these hazards can
and do cause serious harm to employees daily. By
following the industry standard outlined here, as well
What would you say if I told you that the NFPA 70E – as other good work practices, the employees should
Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, was be able to go home at the end of the day in the same
not a requirement of OSHA? Well, it isn’t! condition that they arrived at work that day.
There I said it. The 70E is not enforceable by itself, Another thing that is discussed in great detail in the
section by section, by any OSHA compliance officer. standard is the requirement for anyone who is
The good thing is, though that the NFPA 70E gives the performing electrical work to be a Qualified Person.
employer a means to meet the requirements of the That Qualified Person has specific requirements to
General Duty Clause. meet before being designated as such.
Attend the webinar on the above listed date to hear
29 U.S.C. § 654, 5(a)1: Each employer shall furnish to each of his more about the 70E and the responsibilities of each
employees employment and a place of employment which are free employer to meet these safety standards.
from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death
or serious physical harm to his employees."
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