Page 304 - Installation Training Binder FIT1-3
P. 304

Appplicaation BBrief

                                                                              Docc # AB1011 – NNovember 15, 2013 rev. 3

                                  P Pillow Reecyclingg Testing Instruuctions

           Inntroduction::       EnvviroGuard’s PPillow Recyclinng Program pprovides a connvenient andd EPA approveed method
                                 for  the  proper  transportatiion  and  recyycling  of  neuutralization  aand  absorptioon  pillows
                                 (Pillows). Strict EPA regulations require  pillows to bee tested for  contaminatioon prior to
                                 transportation tto recycling ffacility to connfirm non‐coontamination. EnviroGuardd provides
                                 botttles  to  colleect  samples  oof  the  neutraalization  fromm  the  pillowws  being  replaced.  Test
                                 sammples are colllected for thee neutralizer ffrom non‐conntaminated aand contaminated areas
                                 as  applicable.  TTest  samples  are  sent  to  an  EnviroGuuard  approveed  chemical  laboratory.
                                 Thiis Applicationn Brief outlinees the proceddure for collecting the testt samples.
           MMaterials:           Tesst Sample Kiit: Part # TSBB‐Kit

                                        2 – Plasstic Test Sammple Bottles
                                        2 – Scoops
                                        Shippinng Label
                                        Instructtion Sheet
                                        Dust Mask
           Saafety Precauutions:  Whhen taking saamples the ffollowing precautions mmust be obseerved:

                                 1.  Avoid creatting dust. WWear a dust mmask and glooves as appropriate.
                                 2.  Use the scooop suppliedd to prevent  contact witth hands.
                                 3.  Refer to the Neutrasorrb Materials Safety Data Sheet for addditional
           Prrocess:             Thee procedure listed below sshall be used for collectingg the test sammples of the NNeutrasorb
                                 witthin the Neutralization andd Absorption  pillow. For qquestions on tthis procedurre, contact
                                 EnvviroGuard at 8800‐975‐44211.

                                 1.  Identify nonn‐contaminatted and suspeect‐contaminnated pillowss:

                                        a.  Obsserve  all  conttainment  sysstems  for  inddications  of  ssuspect‐contaamination.
                                           EnviroGuard’s neeutralization pillows will show signs of a liquid stainn with pink
                                           bleeeding  througgh  the  pilloww  case  if  exxposed  to  liquids  and  eelectrolyte.
                                           Susppect‐contamiinated pillowss may also bee hard or clummpy.
                                        b.  Nonn‐contaminated samples aand suspect‐ccontaminatedd samples will need to
                                           be pput into separrate Test Sammple Bottles.

                                 2.  Non‐Contamminated Neuttralization Pillows:
                                        a.  Collect Test Sammples in the NNon‐Contaminnated bottle ffrom 3 locations within
                                           eachh non‐contamminated spill containmentt system (seee Figure 1) byy cutting a
                                           smaall  hole  in  thhe  pillow  casse  and  scoopping  about  10  to  12  scooops  of  the
                                           neutralization  powder  into  the  bottle  mmarked  Non‐‐Contaminateed.  Collect
                                           suffficient  samplee  neutralizerr  to  fill  bottlee  at  least  ½  to  ¾  full  froom  all  test

                                        b.  Reppeat  for  all  non‐contam minated  spill  containmennt  systems.    All  non‐
                                           conttaminated samples can goo into the samme Test Sampple Bottle.

                                      Protecting Mission Criticaal Facilities andd Personnel Sinnce 1993®
                      5334 Olive Street, Montclair, CAA 91763   •   8000.206.9884 Faax 909.624.17772   •   www.EnnviroGuard.comm
                        EnviroGuard iss an ISO 9001‐22008 Certified Manufacturerr of UL Listed aand UL Recogniized products
                                           Copyright © 2013 EEnviroGuard. AAll Rights Reserrved
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