Page 303 - Installation Training Binder FIT1-3
P. 303
Application Brief
Doc # AB1010 – May 15, 2012 rev. 1
Electrical Safety Overview
in an office, or an iron at your home, you usually never
Brief: think that you can get hurt. After all it is only 120
This brief overview of Electrical Safety will discuss the three volts, right? And some of you probably have been
hazards of electricity, some of the standards and regulations shocked before too! The problem is that you then get
in place to help keep the worker safe while exposed to live complacent and don’t think about the fact that you
electrical parts, and the need for proper testing procedures hands may be wet, or that the ground prong is loose
prior to working on electrical equipment or missing, or the cord is laying in a puddle of water.
The session will last approximately 20 minutes and have a What if you are a painter? How dangerous can
10 minute time for questions and answers at the end. carrying a bucket of paint and a brush be? Ask yourself
this question? What do I do when I cannot reach any
Why do you need electrical safety training if you are higher on a wall? How do I get up there to paint?
not an electrician? You are not going to be working There are typically two ways to accomplish this. Either
on electrical equipment, so why do we have to waste you use a ladder or a roller extension. Most of these
your time in teaching you about electrical safety? are made of what material? Aluminum! And is
aluminum a conductive material? You Bet! When
More often than not, those that are not electrical moving aluminum ladders, most people only look
workers are not familiar with the hazards of electricity toward the ground to make sure that they don’t trip.
and are often the ones that get hurt the worst. Office What about the overhead light fixtures? What about
workers, painters, laborers, and equipment operators the service drops at your house that connects to the
ALL are exposed to the hazards of electricity. Do you utility power? Didn’t think about that, now, did you?
plug in extension cords? Do you operate electrical
equipment such as copy machines and coffee makers? There are many cases in which non-electrical workers
Do you work on a construction site? You can not get are injured or killed each day by not knowing the
around the fact that we rely on electrical equipment hazards that they face in their daily activities.
every day to make our lives easier.
Attend the webinar on the above listed date to hear
Something as simple as plugging in an extension cord more about electrical safety and how you can keep
or power cord for a piece of electrical equipment can from becoming a statistic.
cause a shock so severe that you could be injured or
even killed. When you think about an adding machine
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