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P. 10

10      F. Elahi

                                         Ultrasound Protocol for the Elbow

                                             (Konin et al,    1) Anterior Elbow - Short Axis
                                             2017)                            Have the patient facing the
                                                                 sonographer with their arm extended in a
                                                                supinated position. Place a pillow below the
                                                                joint for full elbow extension. Begin with the
                                                                   transducer in the transverse plane to
                                                                   interrogate 5cm above and below the
                                                                trochlea-ulna joint (Konin et al., 2017). The
                                                                   brachioradialis muscle, radial nerve,
                                                                 capitellum, humerus, trochlea, brachialis
                                                                muscle, brachial artery (Br. A), and median
                                                                 nerve can be noted in this anterior elbow
                                                                 image. The star is indicating the articular
                                                               cartilage. The image for this anatomy is taken
                                                              at the supracondylar region (Konin et al., 2017)

                                                              2) Distal Biceps Tendon - Long Axis
                                                               Patient has their arm extended with maximal
                                                                 supination. Gently externally rotating the
                                                                patient’s hand. The transducer will be in an
                                                                 oblique longitudinal orientation.  To avoid
                                                                anisotropy the sonographer must press at the
                                                              distal end of the probe (Silvestri et al., 2012). If
                                  (Konin et al.,2013)
                                                                the sonographer is having difficulty viewing
                                                               the insertion, they can start proximally at the
                                                              musculotendinous junction and follow it down.
                                                                 The biceps tendon can be assessed in both
                                                               planes. A dynamic assessment can be done at
                                                                the posterior aspect of the proximal forearm.
                                                                 The patient will be asked to supinate and
                                                               pronate their forearms. The sonographer will
                                                               look for the disappearance of the distal fibers
                                                                     with supination. (O’Neill, 2008)
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