Page 57 - Journal of Management Inquiry, July 2018
P. 57

Gärtner and Huber                                                                                271

              Figure 2.  Screenshot of the OTAP.
              Note. OTAP = operation theater allocation plan.

              operation theaters (software and hardware breakdowns,   operations. In addition, the allocation of operation time to
              delays, etc.). The challenge to get the work done efficiently   departments is the result of negotiations between the special-
              and with high quality despite uncertainties frequently creates   ized departments and the hospital management, which takes
              a need for mindful organizing. We assume that our research   place 2 times per year. To further complicate matters, labor
              site is not substantially different from other hospitals in terms   regulations have to be respected, the entire operation team
              of having established highly reliable work practices by mind-  (surgeon, anesthetist, nurses) needs to be coordinated, and
              ful organizing.                                    sterilized operating instruments must be made available.
                The hospital of our case has a capacity of 300 beds, and is   These issues are reflected in a guidebook on operating the-
              treating emergency and elective patients in 15 different spe-  ater rules and procedures, which is part of a larger quality
              cialized departments (e.g., orthopedic and trauma surgery,   assurance program across the hospital. Some of the OTAP’s
              neurophysiology, dentofacial surgery, urology). All depart-  main functionalities are based on rules from this guidebook.
              ments of the hospital share the five central operating the-  As the OTAP is part of the hospital’s management informa-
              aters, and each theater is assigned to a specific department.   tion system, it is connected to other modules and functional-
              Normally, each department only uses the assigned theater,   ities. We focus on the OTAP because it is the one tool on
              but in cases of unexpected events (emergencies, schedule   which all actors in and around the operation theaters consis-
              overrun, etc.), there may be changes. Availability of the oper-  tently drew on.
              ating theaters is found to be scarce, and it needs to be orga-
              nized as to which operating room is occupied by which team   Data Collection and Analysis
              (specialized surgeon, anesthetist, nursing staff) and with
              what medical instruments. This is managed by use of the   The empirical study draws on three sources of data: inter-
              OTAP.                                              views, observations, and documents. First, we conducted a
                The OTAP is a computer-based tool that provides infor-  set of 21 interviews (Phase 1): We interviewed hospital’s top
              mation about the planned, ongoing, and forthcoming surger-  executives, surgeons, and heads of departments (15), the
              ies in the five operation theaters (see Figure 2). Its most   manager of the operating theaters (interviewed twice), the
              obvious features are that it displays the ongoing surgeries   head of nursing (1) as well as the management accounting
              within the five operation theaters as a set of boxes, and shows   team  (3).  A  practice-based  approach  needs  scholars  to
              additional information when the user clicks on the boxes rep-  become involved in their field of study to get to know the
              resenting the surgeries. Managing time slots via the OTAP is   specifics of the challenges at hand. This is even more impor-
              a practically complex task, as it concerns that the operation   tant in our case because exploring the role of materiality
              theaters  are  used  efficiently  and  for  the most  important   should not rely on interview data alone. Thus, as a second
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