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New Jersey



     NJLA Series 6: LEADing for an Equitable

     System of Teaching and Learning

     Who among us would not agree that every child has the right to equitable learning opportu-
      nities in his/her school and classrooms? Creating a system that focuses on equity requires a
      combination of an intentional plan for establishing a rich and inclusive learning environment, a
      set of expectations that guide the sound implementation of that plan, and ongoing and deep
      conversations with stakeholders. What structures does a system that emphasizes equitable
      opportunities for every learner have in place? How do leaders create and maintain a focus on a
      system in which every learner is provided with the means and resources to achieve success?
      How do leaders facilitate conversations that lead to the actions that ensure students are
      thriving together and that those students who have been historically underserved are suc-
      cessful in their educational journey?
      Participants in NJLA 6 will engage with a community of learners to consider strategies and
      actions to build a system in which equity for all students is viewed through the lens of:
      •  A system for standards-based   •  An environment that supports   •  The development of formative
       curriculum design and imple-  and strengthens a belief   assessments that drive the
       mentation in which educators   system that focuses on the   instructional cycle, improve
       collectively develop and   integration of social and emo-  student outcomes, and
       implement curricular and   tional learning into all facets of   increase each child’s potential
       cross-curricular units of study   school life; and    for taking ownership in mas-
       that provide access to rich di-                       tering their learning goals.
       verse learning opportunities;
     Session 1 - Rethinking Curriculum: The Journey Toward a More Equitable Curriculum
     Session 2 - Social and Emotional Learning: Embedding SEL in the Daily Fabric of
     School Life
     Session 3 - Formative Assessment: The Real Driver of Instruction

     Register now for NJLA Series 6!

     Schedule (All Sessions are 9 am - 1 pm. Breakfast and lunch are provided.)

      Cohort 2 (at FEA)         Cohort 5 (at FEA)          Cohort 7 (at FEA)
      1. Oct. 7, 2019           1. Nov. 20, 2019           1. Jan. 16, 2020
      2. Nov. 4, 2019           2. Jan. 6, 2020            2. Feb. 24, 2020
      3. Dec. 4, 2019           3. Feb. 3, 2020            3. Mar. 25, 2020

      Cohort 3 (at Ramapo)      Cohort 6 (at RCGC)         Cohort 8 (at Egg Harbor)
      1. Oct. 11, 2019          1. Dec. 13, 2019           1. Jan. 27, 2020
      2. Nov. 19, 2019          2. Jan. 17, 2020           2. Mar. 3, 2020
      3. Dec. 16, 2019          3. Feb. 21, 2020           3. Apr. 2, 2020

      Cohort 4 (at Brick PD)
      1. Oct. 30, 2019          Fee: $450 for three courses
      2. Dec. 10, 2019
      3. Jan. 10, 2020

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