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NJPSA Members: Log on to
the Leadership Connection for
Collaboration and Conversation
NJPSA members have access to this new, secure
social network where you can share resources
and information with your colleagues, ask for
and receive help and opinions, and broaden
your professional network.
Log in by visiting
and then entering your email address and
NJPSA password. Check back every day to
see all the new posted content.
Online Courses
Bullying Prevention Ethics and Governance
Bullying 101 for Principals Module 1: Governance, Ethics, and
Bullying 101 for School Counselors Accountability
Bullying 101 for Educators
Getting to the Truth: Conducting Effective Special Education Law
Student Investigations Module 4: Special Education
LEGAL ONE: NJ’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Student Safety and Rights
Teen Dating Violence 101
Module 2: Student Rights and
Employment Law Responsibilities
Employment Discrimination Law Teen Dating Violence 101
Module 3: Staff Rights and Responsibilities Suicide Prevention
Tenure and Evaluation Law Signs Matter: Early Detection
Progressive Supervision and Corrective
Action Plans
For details and registration, please visit