Page 26 - PDCalFall2019-web
P. 26

Intervention and Referral                Putting Investigation and Design
     Services: The Next Generation           at the Center: How to Support Teachers
     (PSEL Standards, 3, 5, and 10)          in an NGSS-aligned Classroom
     Dec. 19, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       (PSEL Standards 4, 6, and 10)
     Presenter: Gary Vermiere, FEA Consultant  Jan. 13, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     Fee: $149                               Presenters: Stacey van der Veen, Leadership
     This activity-based session is designed to provide   in Science, LLC and Dr. Wil van der Veen,
     I&RS team members and school staff responsible   RVCC Science Education Institute
     for I&RS with specific concepts, tools, techniques,   Fee: $149
     and practice in assessing and addressing stu-  The vision behind the Next Generation Science
     dents’ learning, behavior and health difficulties,   Standards has revolutionized the way science and
     consistent with the New Jersey Department of   engineering are taught in our classrooms, but it
     Education’s Tiered System of Supports. Emphasis   can be difficult to figure out how to best support
     will be placed on collaborative consultation and   teachers as they integrate this new vision into
     strategies and techniques for using objective data,   their classrooms. Drawing on the new National
     school and community resources, and creativity in   Academies Report Science and Engineering:
     problem solving and planning I&RS cases. There   Investigation and Design at the Center, we will
     will be a focus on applying structure and system-  outline what administrators should look for in
     atic procedures to the coordinated planning and   NGSS-aligned classrooms. During this workshop
     delivery of effective programs of I&RS.   we will explore instruction, assessment, equity,
                                             and resources that will help you continue the
                                             conversation back at your schools.
     January                                      Implementing a Tiered System of

                                             Support in Your District - Day 2
         Driving the CAR Process:            Jan. 13, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     Using Effective and Powerful ELA        Presenters: Bobbie Felip, Jackie Frangis, FEA
     Instructional Strategies for K-5        Consultants
     (PSEL Standards 4, 6, 7, and 10)        Fee: $149 per day
     Jan. 8, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA        Thinking about implementing an Early Literacy
                                             Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in your
     Presenter: Toni Capodanno               school or district? Need some help in identify-
     Fee: $149                               ing how to best move forward to improve what
     Across New Jersey, the leading educational orga-  you have and identify what is needed to meet
     nizations, along with the NJDOE, have endorsed   your needs and achieve your goals? This two-
     the Connected Action Roadmap as a powerful   day Professional Learning opportunity with FEA
     process for strengthening teaching, leading and   consultants will address these issues and more.
     learning. In supporting this work, the NJDOE   Day 2 focus will build on day one and include
     brought together teams of ELA and Math educa-  protocols for diving beneath the surface when
     tors to implement the CAR process and unpack   looking at student work, developing approaches
     the K-12 ELA and Math standards. Come to this   for tier 2 and tier 3 interventions, considering
     session to learn more about these K-5 ELA units   different schedule options to best meet the
     and to explore practical classroom application   needs of all students, and adding to/revising
     of research-based instructional strategies. This   action steps for greater student impact moving
     session will demonstrate how to connect and   forward.
     enhance your current practices within the power-
     ful CAR process, specifically Conversation #6 for   WEBINAR
     professional learning communities - Designing
     the Learning Experience. Teams of educators are    Hot Issues in School Law
     encouraged to attend this workshop to discover   Jan. 14, 2020; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
     interactive strategies and resources that promote   Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
     engagement, increase student learning and can   ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
     be implemented in the classroom the next day!   Content Development; Rebecca Gold,
     Participants will:                      Retired Director of Human Resources
      •  design a comprehensive learning     Fee: $40
        experience that is aligned to the ELA
        standards-based SLOs                 Every year there are major developments in
                                             school law that all school leaders need to know.
      •  create and learn how to effectively use   This webinar will provide a summary of the lat-
        rubrics and self- assessment protocols to   est case law, statutes, and regulations impacting
        foster student responsibility for learning   schools, as well as the latest guidance from the
      •  understand and apply student research   New Jersey and U.S. Departments of Education.
        based learning strategies as powerful   Topics to be addressed include tenure case
        tools to support the development of   review, new curricula and professional develop-
        independent learners throughout ELA   ment requirements, the latest developments on
        learning units                       HIB and student safety, and new requirements
      •  learn and develop the tools to implement   impacting staff rights and responsibilities.
        research-based instructional strategies and
        activities that are aligned to standards-
        based SLOs
      •  design and explain formative assessment
        which determine student progress and
        inform instructional decisions

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