Page 23 - PDCalFall2019-web
P. 23

•  Using data to support struggling learners  curriculum and instruction tightly aligned with
      •  Leveraging data through progress    NJSLS in early literacy. Participants will engage
        monitoring                           in assessing current practices and mapping ac-
      •  Leveraging NJSMART Special Education   tionable steps for moving forward. Day 2 focus
        data                                 will build on day one and include protocols for
                                             diving beneath the surface when looking at
      •  Using building and district data teams to   student work, developing approaches for tier 2
        champion struggling learners and students   and tier 3 interventions, considering different
        with disabilities                    schedule options to best meet the needs of all
                                             students, and adding to/revising action steps
        Human Resources Survival Guide       for greater student impact moving forward.
     Dec. 6, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
     at Stockton SRI & ETTC                         Writing Effective HIB Reports
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   Dec. 10, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at MUJC
     Director and Rebecca Gold, Retired Director   Presenter: Paula Clark, Esq, Director of
     of Human Resources                      Human Resources, Compliance, and Labor
     Fee: $178                               Relations, Wayne Township Public Schools
     All registrations Through SRI & ETTC -    Fee: $150     Proper documentation is a critical aspect of every
     Whether you are a full-time Human Resourc-  HIB investigation. This workshop will provide a
     es Director, or it is just one of many hats you   framework for writing HIB reports and properly
     wear, human resource management can be a   documenting all aspects of HIB investigations.
     legal minefield. Major new statutes, regula-  Participants will review sample reports that are
     tions and case law affect all you do. This one   well written and poorly written, identify the
     day workshop will cover key aspects of human   elements of effective report writing, review
     resources where legal issues are likely to arise,   sample scenarios and real-world incidents, and
     including recruitment, hiring, staff retention,   practice writing reports. The session will include
     employee discipline, renewal and nonrenewal,   a review of the role of witnesses, alleged targets
     tenure charges and termination, understanding   and victims, parents, Anti-Bullying Specialist,
     employee rights (tenure,seniority, family leave,   Anti-Bullying Coordinator, school principal,
     collective bargaining, First Amendment, etc.),   superintendent, board of education and school
     responding to affirmative action complaints,   attorney. Participants will also review HIB records
     outsourcing, and implementing the compre-  under FERPA, and will understand the parameters
     hensive equity plan.                    of student confidentiality. Challenges unique to
                                             both small and large districts will be reviewed,
        HIB Law Update                       as well as challenges that come when incidents
                                             occur off school grounds and on social media.
     Dec. 9, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm at Ramapo College
     Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     Director                                Transgender and Non-Binary Students:
     Fee: $139                               A Framework for Creating Safe and
     Sponsored by LEGAL ONE & TMI Education  Supportive Schools (PSEL Standards 2,
     Register at        3, and 5)
     This session will provide an overview of the   Dec. 11 and 12, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     latest developments in state and federal law,   Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     including case law, emerging trends, cyberbul-  Director; Robyn Gigl, Esq., Gluck Walrath
     lying, and the most recent guidance from the   LLP; Ashley E. Chiappano, MS, Safe Schools
     NJ and US Departments of Education. Partici-  and Community Education Manager, Garden
     pants will gain an understanding of key steps   State Equality; Other practitioners, students,
     on complex issues such as addressing incidents   and advocates
     involving students with disabilities, when and   Fee: $270 for both days
     how to involve the affirmative action officer and
     how to address allegations that staff members   Sponsored by FEA and LEGAL ONE
     have bullied students.                  What is the science behind the fundamental
                                             concept of "gender"? In what ways do our social
                                             constructs, upbringing and personal experiences
         Implementing a Tiered System of     influence the way we understand this concept?
     Support in Your District - Day 1        What are the underlying social and emotional
     Dec. 9, 2019 and Jan. 13, 2020          issues that transgender students confront and
                                             how do we create safe and supportive schools
     9 am - 3 pm at FEA                      for these students who are at extreme risk of
     Presenters: Bobbie Felip, Jackie Frangis, FEA   bullying, mental health issues, addiction and/or
     Consultants                             suicidal ideation? How can school staff address
     Fee: $149 per day                       their own deeply held views and need for
     Thinking about implementing an Early Literacy   information in order to better support students
     Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in your   and their families that are coming from varying
     school or district? Need some help in identify-  position of understanding, acceptance and
     ing how to best move forward to improve what   support of their child.
     you have and identify what is needed to meet   This intensive two-day summit will address these
     your needs and achieve your goals? This two-  questions by bringing together leading experts
     day Professional Learning opportunity with FEA   to address the scientific, social and emotional,
     consultants will address these issues and more.   educational and legal implications of addressing
     Day 1 will focus on reviewing the major compo-  the needs of transgender students. Participants
     nents of MTSS including looking at the benefits   will hear important perspectives, including views
     and challenges of using Universal Screening   from parents, students, school staff, support
     Tools and data to strengthen and evaluate core   professionals and leading advocates. Participants

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