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the many unique and unexpected situations that   •  Conducting the Interview;
     may arise despite having in place strong policies   •  Evidence Collection, Management and
     and procedures. It will include a detailed review   Analysis;
     of case law and the lessons that can be learned   •  Involving Other Key Players;
     related to employee rights and employee
     discipline. Participants will also be provided   •  and Writing the Report.
     with a series of real world scenarios that require   This workshop will include a review of lessons
     application of knowledge gained throughout   learned from a number of high profile criminal
     the Institute to real world challenges.  and civil cases. It will also include a review of
                                             the due process rights available to students
           The Principal/AP/VP's             and staff, and strategies for addressing unique
                                             circumstances related to students or staff with
     Survival Guide                          disabilities, dealing with allegations of criminal
     Nov. 22, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at Egg Harbor   conduct, responding in cases involving potential
     Township Public School District         claims of discrimination, addressing English
                                             Language Learners and other situations that
     Presenters: Wayne Oppito, Esq., NJPSA Legal   may pose investigatory challenges.
     Counsel; James J. Sarto Ed.S., NJ Leaders to
     Leaders Program Coordinator
     Fee: $150
     This workshop will address current develop-  December
     ments in a variety of legal issues, including
     HIB case law and legislative issues, TEACHNJ
     regulations and Arbitration Decisions, student    It’s Not as Simple as Choosing
     safety, workplace harassment, recent legislative   a Resource: Utilizing Primary and
     enactments, student health issues, social media,   Secondary Resources in Social Studies
     First Amendment rights and responsibilities, and
     other current and ongoing school law topics.   (PSEL Standards 4, 7, and 10)
                                             Dec. 3, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
           Social Media and                  at Brick Township PD Center
     Cyberbullying Issues in Schools         Presenter: Bobbie Felip, FEA Consultant
     Nov. 25, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm              Fee: $149
     at Brick Township PD Center             Across New Jersey, the leading educational orga-
     Presenters: John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL   nizations, along with the NJDOE, have endorsed
                                             the Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) as a pow-
     ONE Consultant; Joseph Ventre, CISSP, CIO &   erful process for strengthening teaching, leading
     Founder,  and learning. Come to this session to learn more
     Fee: $150                               about how the PLC conversations of CAR can im-
     This session will address the legal issues that arise   prove Social Studies instruction. A specific focus
     when students, staff, and parents use social media.   of this session will be on PLC conversation 6 -
     Issues to be discussed will include cyberbullying,   Designing the Learning Experience – with a
     student and staff First Amendment rights, using   special emphasis on exploring ways of thinking,
     social media to screen job applicants, and legally   reading, questioning, discussing, and designing
     permissible uses of social media. It will include the   lessons aligned with standards and learning ob-
     latest national research on the use of social media   jectives. Help students better understand social
     and best practices for promoting responsible   studies content as well as connect and interpret
     use. Participants will gain an understanding   content from primary and secondary sources.
     of the latest trends in cyberbullying and the
     most effective strategies available for school
     leaders, educators, parents and students. There    Getting to Effectiveness:
     will be a review of the latest case law involving   Leveraging Your Data to Drive
     cyberbullying and social media use by students   Special Education Outcomes
     and staff members. This session will provide tips
     for promoting responsible social media use, by   (PSEL Standards 3, 5, 6, and 10)
     students, parents and staff. Participants will learn   Dec. 4, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm at FEA
     how social media sites provide built in security   (Lunch following)
     settings and explain how they work.     Presenters: Matthew Korobkin, MSEd,
                                             Senior Advisor at Public Consulting Group
           Advanced Staff and Student        and Lauren English-Mezzino, MEd, Senior
                                             Consultant at Public Consulting Group
     Investigation Techniques                Fee: $100
     Nov. 26, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       Sponsored by FEA and Public Consulting
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   Group
     Director; Adam Drew, CEO, Three Corners   For more than 40 years, compliance has
     Law Enforcement                         been one of the strongest drivers of special
     Fee: $150                               education programming. With Results Driven
     This course will provide a variety of tools that   Accountability and the recent Endrew F. v.
     can be employed to assist you in getting to the   Douglas County School District Supreme
     truth in staff and student investigations. The   Court decision, a greater focus has been
     investigation tools that we will review fall into   placed on outcomes. Now, more than ever,
     the following categories:               districts need to leverage data to improve
      •  Protecting Due Process Rights;      student outcomes, inform instruction, and
                                             document student progress.
      •  Initial Response;                   Led by a former special education teacher
      •  Search and Seizure;                 and state education official as well as a former
      •  Investigation Planning;             teacher and building administrator, this session
      •  Statement Collection and Analysis;  will explore the following areas of data use:

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