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and laws involving discrimination in schools.   •  Explore how the 4 NJ NCAS (National
     This workshop will also review the impact of   Core Arts Standards) processes (Creating,
     the wave of sexual harassment claims made   Presenting, Responding, Connecting) can
     recently. Participants will also learn about a   be integrated across science, language arts
     model district approach to addressing issues of   and social studies content areas through
     dating violence and the promotion of a greater   exemplars.
     understanding of boundaries for students.  •  Identify project-based learning topics
                                                 which exist in your school communities
           Inefficiency and Conduct              that engages parents and the community
     Unbecoming: Case Review                     at large.
     Dec. 13, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm                •  Understand the connection between UDL,
     at Cherry Hill High School East             Visible Learning and Documentation and all
                                                 children having access to quality education
     Presenter: John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL
     ONE Consultant
     Fee: $150                                    Preparing for Special Education
     Whether you are preparing to file tenure charges   Mediation and Due Process Hearings
     against a staff member, or need to defend   Dec. 17, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     against tenure charges brought against you,   Presenter: Jessika Kleen, Esq., Machado Law
     this course will provide valuable insight into the   Group
     arbitration process and applicable legal standards   Fee: $150
     involving TEACHNJ. Participants will learn about
     the types of tenure charges that have reached the   This session will provide a detailed explanation
     arbitration level and receive a thorough review of   of the particular procedures which must be fol-
     Arbitration Decisions since the implementation   lowed when preparing for a Special Education/
     of TEACHNJ in 2012. Conduct Unbecoming,   Due Process Hearing. Topics to be discussed
     Incapacity and “Other Just Cause” Charges: A   include: Differences between filing for Media-
     discussion of the legal standards Arbitrators have   tion and Due Process; Stay-put issues; What is
     applied to cases involving:             required during the 30 day resolution period;
                                             New Procedures with respect to initial hearing
      •  Excessive Absenteeism               date/settlement conferences; Pre-trial orders;
      •  Harassment                          Expert witnesses/Expert Reports; Discovery and
      •  Inappropriate Interactions with Students   preparing for Due Process; Preparing to Testify;
      •  Improper Staff Conduct Outside of School   Post-trial briefs; Appeals; and prevailing Party
                                             and attorneys’ fees. Target Audience - Directors/
      •  Insubordination                     Supervisors of Special Education, school law
      •  Progressive Discipline Issues       attorneys
      •  Social Media Policy Violations
      •  Inefficiency Charges: An in-depth analysis   WEBINAR
        of the applicable legal standards for
        evaluating both Administrators and Staff    Education and Law Enforcement
        under the Tenure Law.                Working Together
                                             Dec. 17, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
         Creating and Sustaining             Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     the Wonder of Learning in               Director; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of
                                             Human Resources; Adam Drew, CEO, Three
     Early Childhood Classrooms              Corners Law Enforcement
     (PSEL Standards 4, 5, 6, and 10)        Fee: $40
     Dec. 17, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm              When schools and law enforcement have a
     at Brick Township PD Center             strong working relationship everyone benefits.
     Presenter: Jackie Frangis, FEA Consultant  This webinar will provide an overview of the key
                                             provisions of the Memorandum of Agreement
     Fee: $149                               Between Education and Law Enforcement.
     Audience: PreK-1st grade teachers,      Participants will develop a clear understanding
     supervisors, curriculum coordinators and   of mandatory reporting requirements, appropriate
     principals.                             means of information sharing, and best practices
     How do we engage all students to ask questions,   for working together to promote student safety.
     reflect about their experiences in learning and
     synthesize their background knowledge with   WEBINAR
     learning to make new meaning? What is next
     for you and your students in creating a learning    School Attorney Ethics 101
     environment that is rich in discussion, reflection   Dec. 19, 2019; noon - 1:10 pm
     and documentation of student work and teacher   Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL
     practice? This workshop will examine project   ONE Coordinator for Online Course
     and inquiry-based approaches to learning that   Development; Rebecca Gold, Retired
     integrates the arts and permeates beyond the   Director of Human Resources; David B.
     classroom walls. And yes, it’s aligned to the   Rubin, P.C., Attorney at Law
     NJSLS. The Reggio Emilia Approach will be used   Fee: $40
     as an exemplary framework.              Join David Rubin and Michael Kaelber in an
     Participants will:                      introduction to the basic precepts of legal ethics
      •  Reflect upon your values on how to   that all school district counsel need to know;
        create authentic and meaningful learning   a great introductory course for attorneys new
        environments for early childhood students   to the school law field and a terrific refresher
        and teachers.                        for experienced school attorneys. Topics to be
      •  Recognize how a constructivist approach   addressed include, who is the client, conflicts
        (Reggio Emilia Approach) engages All   of interest, duties to adversaries, tribunals and
        early childhood students in inquiry-based   third parties and much more.
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