Page 24 - PDCalFall2019-web
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will gain a clear understanding of the legal New Jersey Leadership Academy
framework established under the New Jersey Law
Against Discrimination, recent NJDOE guidance (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, 10 and Teacher
and related statutory requirements. Most Leader Domain IV, V, and VI)
importantly, participants will leave armed with Series 6, Cohort 6 at RCGC
tools and strategies for addressing the larger
school climate, supporting students in need, LEADing for an Equitable System of
and creating a pathway to a safe and supportive Teaching and Learning
environment where transgender and nonbinary Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and NJASA
students can succeed and thrive. Target Audience: K-12 Administrators and
Teacher-Leaders; Teams Encouraged
Dealing with Difficult Students: Fee: $450 for the series
Social Emotional Learning Made Easy Who among us would not agree that every child
With the Prosocial Matrix - two day has the right to equitable learning opportunities
series (PSEL Standards 3 and 4) in his/her school and classrooms? Creating a
Dec. 12, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm at FEA system that focuses on equity requires a combi-
nation of an intentional plan for establishing a
(Lunch at 1 pm) rich and inclusive learning environment, a set of
Presenter: Phil Tenaglia, School Psychologist, expectations that guide the sound implementa-
Hamilton Twp Schools and Family Therapist, tion of that plan, and ongoing and deep conver-
Growth Opportunity Center, Southampton, PA sations with stakeholders. What structures does a
Fee: $100 system that emphasizes equitable opportunities
Day 2 - On day one you have been shown for every learner have in place? How do leaders
and experienced how to introduce the Matrix create and maintain a focus on a system in which
to get things up and running. You have also every learner is provided with the means and
experienced how it can make a difference for resources to achieve success?
you and those you serve. Giving you some time How do leaders facilitate conversations that lead
to use the Matrix process with students and to the actions that ensure students are thriving
staff, we return to continue to deepen your together and that those students who have been
understanding, move past sticking points you historically underserved are successful in their
experience, and address implementation issues educational journey?
while continuing to practice. In part two, you will Participants in NJLA 6 will engage with a com-
receive coaching, feedback and support while munity of learners to consider strategies and
also building collaboration and shared purposes actions to build a system in which equity for all
with your colleagues. Together we will discover students is viewed through the lens of:
and share what works… and have some fun. • A system for standards-based curriculum
Envisioning the Power of Teacher design and implementation in which edu-
cators collectively develop and implement
Leadership (PSEL Standards 3 and 6 curricular and cross-curricular units of study
and Teacher Leader Model Standards - that provide access to rich diverse learning
Domain VII) • An environment that supports and strength-
Dec. 13, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at Brick PD Center ens a belief system that focuses on the
Presenter: Monica Goncalves, FEA Consultant integration of social and emotional learning
Fee: $149 into all facets of school life; and
Teacher leaders play a vital role in the cycle • The development of formative assessments
of continuous improvement in schools. As that drive the instructional cycle, improve
knowledgeable peers, they support colleagues student outcomes, and increase each child’s
in developing highly refined instructional potential for taking ownership in mastering
practice designed to meet the diverse needs their learning goals.
of each student, influence policy discussions Session 1: Rethinking Curriculum: The Journey
related to student learning and facilitate learning Toward a More Equitable Curriculum
conversations to solve complex problems of Dec. 13, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)
practice. Leaders will:
• Define the multiple roles that teacher Session 2: Social and Emotional Learning:
Embedding SEL in the Daily Fabric of School Life
leaders can play Jan. 17, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)
• Identify qualities of teacher leaders
• Discuss the role of central office and building Session 3: Formative Assessment: The Real
Driver of Instruction
leaders in identifying and empowering Feb. 21, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)
teacher leaders to impact the collaborative
culture of teaching and learning
• Create robust structures to empower teacher Overview of Discrimination
leader voices in the decision-making process Law and the Role of the Affirmative
and enhance teacher leaders’ ability to
support the instructional cycle Action Officer
• Build a blueprint to enhance shared and Dec. 13, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
skillful leadership through the development Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
of teacher leaders Director; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of
Human Resources
Fee: $150
Affirmative Action Officers and school leaders
must be diligent in protecting the rights of
all students and staff members regardless of
race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or
disability. This specially-designed workshop will
focus on dealing with the many complex issues