Page 27 - PDCalFall2019-web
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Hot Issues in Special             WEBINAR
     Education Law                                 What's New in Tenure and
     Jan. 14, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       Seniority Law?
     Presenter: John Worthington, Esq.,      Jan. 16, 2020; noon - 1:10 pm
     LEGAL ONE                               Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     Fee: $150                               Coordinator for Online Course Development;
     State and federal law is rapidly evolving for   Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of Human
     students with disabilities. In this workshop,   Resources; Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
     participants will also learn about the latest case   ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
     law, statutory/regulatory changes, and federal/  Content Development
     state guidance regarding:               Fee: $40
      •  The use of physical restraint & seclusion for   Join LEGAL ONE staff attorneys in an informa-
        students with disabilities           tion-packed webinar discussing the most recent
      •  The overlapping rights of students under   developments in tenure and seniority law for
        IDEA, Section 504, NJ's Law Against Discrimi-  school employees. Since the U.S. Supreme Court
        nation and the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights  Janus decision and the enactment of the Work-
      •  Major changes related to the use of   place Democracy Enhancement Act, New Jersey
        technology to deliver services for students   has seen an uptick in employment litigation in
        with disabilities                    general and tenure and seniority litigation in
                                             particular. This webinar will highlight the recent
      •  New procedures for addressing legal   case law including issues of tenure acquisition,
        disputes and due process             non-renewal, reductions in force, seniority
      •  Major case law decided in the aftermath of   rights, tenure entitlements and tenure arbitra-
        the Supreme Court decisions in Endrew and   tion dismissal decisions.
        Fry, and MORE.
                                                 New Jersey Leadership Academy
          Overview of Discrimination         (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, 10 and Teacher
     Law and the Role of the Affirmative     Leader Domain IV, V, and VI)
     Action Officer                          Series 6, Cohort 7 at FEA
     Jan. 15, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       LEADing for an Equitable System of
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     Director; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director    Teaching and Learning
     of Human Resources                      Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and NJASA
     Fee: $150                               Target Audience: K-12 Administrators and
     Affirmative Action Officers and school leaders   Teacher-Leaders; Teams Encouraged
     must be diligent in protecting the rights of   Fee: $450 for the series
     all students and staff members regardless of   Who among us would not agree that every child
     race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or   has the right to equitable learning opportunities in
     disability. This specially-designed workshop will   his/her school and classrooms? Creating a system
     focus on dealing with the many complex issues   that focuses on equity requires a combination
     and laws involving discrimination in schools.   of an intentional plan for establishing a rich
     This workshop will also review the impact of   and inclusive learning environment, a set of
     the wave of sexual harassment claims made   expectations that guide the sound implementation
     recently. Participants will also learn about a   of that plan, and ongoing and deep conversations
     model district approach to addressing issues of   with stakeholders. What structures does a system
     dating violence and the promotion of a greater   that emphasizes equitable opportunities for every
     understanding of boundaries for students.  learner have in place? How do leaders create
                                             and maintain a focus on a system in which every
         Enhancing Social Emotional          learner is provided with the means and resources
                                             to achieve success?
     Learning With a Focus on Special        How do leaders facilitate conversations that lead
     Education (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5,      to the actions that ensure students are thriving
     and 6)                                  together and that those students who have been
     Jan. 15, 2020; 9 am - 1 pm at FEA       historically underserved are successful in their
                                             educational journey?
     Presenter: Candie Hegemuhle, FEA Consultant  Participants in NJLA 6 will engage with a
     Fee: $100                               community of learners to consider strategies and
     Students who experience difficulty identifying   actions to build a system in which equity for all
     and regulating emotions, taking perspective and   students is viewed through the lens of:
     understanding their role and their responsibility   •  A system for standards-based curriculum
     within the larger school community typically have   design and implementation in which
     lower levels of social-emotional competence. This   educators collectively develop and
     workshop will explore the research, competencies   implement curricular and cross-curricular
     elements and tenets of social-emotional learning,   units of study that provide access to rich
     provide practical strategies for infusing SEL across   diverse learning opportunities;
     the curriculum, and assist participants in identi-
     fying next steps to integrate SEL with a focus on   •  An environment that supports and
     special education.                          strengthens a belief system that focuses
                                                 on the integration of social and emotional
                                                 learning into all facets of school life; and
                                               •  The development of formative assessments
                                                 that drive the instructional cycle, improve
                                                 student outcomes, and increase each child’s
                                                 potential for taking ownership in mastering
                                                 their learning goals.

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